2021-03-11 : Identity Implementers WG Call
2021-03-11 : Identity Implementers WG Call
On Today's Call:
- Review: Working Group status updates
- Presentation: Renata Toktar (Evernym) will give a presentation / demo on a new process called "ledger freeze" and how that works with Indy ledgers (for presentation notes, please see the links below).
Connection Info
The call takes place over Zoom: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.3?pwd=UE90WHhEaHRqOGEyMkV3cldKa2d2dz09
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
All activities should be conducted in accordance with the Antitrust Policy found here.
- Name (Organization) <email>
- Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs) <smccown@anonyome.com>
- Alexander Jonsson (Laniakea Health) <alex@seropass.me>
- Sam Curren (Indicio) <sam@indicio.tech>
- Daniel Bachenheimer (Accenture) <daniel.bachenheimer@accenture.com>
- Michael Herman
- Lohan Spies
- Brian Kang
- Bruce Conrad
- Jim Mason
- Renata Toktar
- Richard Esplin
- Thoughtful Biometrics - March 9,10,12 thoughtfulbiometrics.org
- IIW Workshop #32 (Apr 2021), online, https://internetidentityworkshop.com
- Hyperledger Global Forum 2021 (June 8-10) - https://www.hyperledger.org/event/hyperledger-global-forum-2021
- Turing Institute - Digital identity: a focus on evolving use cases & risks (March 11) - https://www.turing.ac.uk/events/digital-identity-focus-evolving-use-cases-risks
- LF Training (starts March 11): Becoming a Hyperledger Aries Developer (https://www.edx.org/course/becoming-a-hyperledger-aries-developer)
Working Group Reports and Release Plans
- Main Identity WG
- Meeting Notes: 2021-03-03
- Drummond Reed presented an overview of his new book on Self-Sovereign Identity (https://www.manning.com/books/self-sovereign-identity)
- Meeting Notes: 2021-03-03
- Hyperledger Indy Contributors WG
- 2021-03-02 Indy Contributors Call
- CI for Indy Node & Plenum - merged
- CD for Indy Node & Plenum - in progress
- CI/CD for Indy-SDK - in progress
- Looking for additional volunteers
- Next Indy-Node release – soon, pending CD completion
- Ubuntu 20.04 - progressing, target release date?
- PR from Indy-Node and Indy-Plenum Stable to Master - PR is ready for review
- Upcoming
- Statement on the future of the Indy SDK: PR 2329
- 2021-03-02 Indy Contributors Call
- Hyperledger Aries
- GREEN! Hyperledger Aries Proposal to Exit Incubation Status
- Aries Working Group meetings:
- Meeting Agenda & Notes: Aries Working Group
- WG A: 2021-03-10-A Aries Working Group Call (AMER morning)
- Verifiable Credential - Overview of data models, VDR, revocation mechanism - demo with KERI based identifiers
- Presentation: google doc access request link
- Verifiable Credential - Overview of data models, VDR, revocation mechanism - demo with KERI based identifiers
- WG B: 2021-03-10-B Aries Working Group Call (US afternoon)
- AIP Next (completed/close?)
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/579 (Main AIP 2.0 PR)
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/596 - did:key
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/588 - oob / route coordination
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/593 - JSON-LD Attachments
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/595 - oob mime type
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/pull/587 - Envelope v2
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/issues/599 - Complexity of multiple format identifiers
- AIP Next (completed/close?)
- Aries Agents (Cloud Agent Python, Static Agent)
- Release 0.6.0 (almost) available, includes
- OOB/DID Exchange support merged – testing/tweaking
- Adjustments for supporting aries-askar – mostly internal
- Multi-Tenant Support - SICPA and collaborators (Animo, Anon Solutions)
- Mediator Support – Indicio - ACA-Py as mediator, ACA-Py as mediator client (through connections protocol) merged; Admin API, fixes in progress; need to add support for DID Exchange/OOB
- In Progress:
- Persistent Queues – Kiva – WIP PR submitted using redis
- Credential Exchange V2 (RFC 0453/0454)
- Getting to W3C Verifiable Credential support with ZKP and Selective Disclosure with Revocation.
- DHS SVIP JSON-LD Verifiable Credential exchange in Aries Protocols
- https://hackmd.io/@animo/acapy-bbs-2
- Release 0.6.0 (almost) available, includes
- Aries Bifold User Group
- 2021-03-10 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting
- Discussed group goals, license issues, etc.
- Existing Code Walkthrough
- Aries Bifold: https://github.com/Indicio-tech/aries-bifold
- Aries Mobile Agent React Native - https://github.com/Indicio-tech/aries-mobileagent-react-native
- Aries Framework Javascript: https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-framework-javascript
- rn-indy-sdk: https://github.com/AbsaOSS/rn-indy-sdk
- Rocket Chat Channel: https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/aries-bifold
- 2021-03-10 Aries Bifold Users Group Community Meeting
- Aries Language Frameworks, Libraries, and SDKs (Go, Java, JavaScript, .NET, Ruby, Python)
- Aries Shared Libraries (agent storage, vdr, utils)
- Enabling use of aries-askar to ACA-Py as a startup option.
- Aries-Framework-Go #aries-go
- Aries-SDK-Ruby
- Horcrux gem for ActiveStorage (0.0.4), moved to https://github.com/decentralized-identity/activestorage-horcrux
- Tools (great for interoperability testing)
- Aries Toolbox – supports ACA-Py 5.3 https://github.com/thclab/aries
- Aries Protocol Test Suite - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-protocol-test-suite
- Aries Agent Test Harness - https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-agent-test-harness
- Hyperledger Ursa
- Homepage: Hyperledger Ursa (EOL)
- 2021-03-03 Meeting Agenda
- HGF Talks: coordinate?
- Follow-up on ZK frameworks
- General adherence to Hyperledger standards (repolinter, etc.).
- Hardware interface: updates or interest?
- Discussion on wrapping/signature interface
- Oberon protocol
- Trust Over IP Foundation
- Main site: https://trustoverip.org/
- Wiki: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Trust+Over+IP+Foundation
- All Members Meeting
- 17 Feb 2021: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-02-17+All+Members+Meeting+Notes
- Slides: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-02-17+All+Members+Meeting+Notes?preview=/73682/73694/Trust%20over%20IP%20Foundation%20-%20All-Member%20Meeting%2002.17.21.pdf
- Good Health Pass Initiative
- ToIP Whitepaper v2 underway
- 17 Feb 2021: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-02-17+All+Members+Meeting+Notes
- Steering Committee Meeting
- 10 Mar 2021: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/2021-03-10+Steering+Committee+Meeting+Page
- Presentation slides: Steering Committee Meeting Agenda 03.10.21.pdf
- Recording: Link
- Good Health Pass
- Partnership of many health-related organizations
- Website: https://www.goodhealthpass.org
- Whitepaper: Download the white paper
- Revised project charter
- Letter of Agreement – ToIP and Sovrin
- Collaboration with Kantara
- ToIP Working Groups:
- Communications Committee: https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Communications+Committee
- Governance Stack
- Technical Stack - Interoperability Taskforce
- Utility Foundry
- Ecosystem Foundry
- Decentralized Semantics
- Concepts and Terminology
- DIF DIDComm Working Group
- Rolling Agenda: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/didcomm/blob/main/agenda.md
- 8 Mar 2021 meeting
- Discussion of attachments and encryption
- DIF Interoperability Group
- Main: https://identity.foundation/interop/
- Wiki: https://www.notion.so/Interoperability-WG-a42995c37e2a4511a10aea96cdbccc38
- Rolling agenda: https://github.com/decentralized-identity/interoperability/blob/master/agenda.md
- 10 Mar 2021:
- DIF – proposed Travel and Hospitality Special Interest Group
- Discussion about an interop bounty #DIF-governance meeting
- Newest GNAP-core spec
- Update on GNAP and AuthZ discussions in the Confidential Storage working group
- 10 Mar 2021:
- Sovrin Foundation
- Technical Governance Board (TGB)
- 4 Mar 2021 Meeting Minutes:
- Follow up on call for token plug-in maintainer
- Steve’s email regarding Sovrin token
- Marta’s survey of TGB members regarding Sovrin Token
- Discussion of ledger
- DizMe announcement and other Indy networks: what does it mean for TGB?
- https://www.dizme.io/#section-why
- Have iOS app in the app store
- Indy release update, and implications for the Sovrin release
- Follow up on call for token plug-in maintainer
- 4 Mar 2021 Meeting Minutes:
- Steward Council
- Rolling Agenda:
- 4 Mar 2021
Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15XrXg6zTF586wjfu8Cv9fZONIBE7KRJq5S6BG0c8gvQ/edit#slide=id.g4227fd63e5_0_225
- Agenda
- TGB Update - Steve McCown
- Indy Update - Richard Esplin
- GitHub Actions pipelines are nearly done.
- The Ubuntu 20.04 update is nearly done
- Evernym is reallocating developers and is seeking volunteers for Sovrin-specific maintenance
- Two new Slack Channels for Stewards (community and permission)
- Indy SDK: Absa is helping move Indy SDK to GitHub Actions
- Discussion of Indy SDK's Future: https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk/pull/2329
- Steward Health Workstream:
- Updates on indy-ledger-monitor
- Steward compliance reviews
- Technical Workstream:
- Decentralization of MainNet Governance (ITIL) - In Review
- Ubuntu 20.04 upgrade work on Node and Plenum is active and progressing.
- Token Plugin
- Plenum Node support for freezing and removing ledgers.
- SIPs for
- Node Selection Algorithm
- Steward community Workstream
- Reward model: overlaps with token conversation, goal is for Stewards to make a proposal
- Steward Co-op (project marketplace for stewards)
- Steward Project Showcase - Youth Agency Marketplace (Yoma; currently in S. Africa)
- YOMA is designed to be a market for creating innovation
- Open source, privacy preserving -- focus on Inclusive Growth
- Platform build using Trinsic
- Goal is to make YOMA a clone-able as possible, to facilitate global growth
- YOMA expects to use some form of Token as a means of value transfer in the ecosystem
- Rolling Agenda:
- Technical Governance Board (TGB)
- W3C Standard
- Verifiable Credentials Working Group
- DID Working Group
- Other?
Indy HIPE 0162: Frozen Ledgers (https://github.com/esplinr/indy-hipe/blob/master/text/0162-frozen-ledgers/README.md)
- LEDGERS_FREEZE (indy-node docs): https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/blob/master/docs/source/requests.md#ledgers_freeze
- Freeze Ledgers (indy plenum docs: https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-plenum/blob/master/docs/source/transaction_freeze_ledgers.md
Future Topics
- Trust over IP (www.trustoverip.org)
Call Recording
, multiple selections available,