


When: April 14, 2021 12:00 noon EDT (16:00 UTC)

Details: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/display/IWG/2021-04-14 (this page)

Attendees (34)

Vipin Bharathan

@Coty de Monteverde Head of Blockchain & Crypto, Santander, Sponsor: ID Alastria

@Carlos Pastor Blockchain Strategist, Inetum, Head of ID Alastria

@Paula Pascual Project Manager Blockchain & Crypto


Miguel Jimenez

Jim Mason

Ivan Rybin

Turan Munday


Alfonso Govela

Juan Luis Gozalo

luca boldrin



Carlos La Fuente

Alcides Morales Guedes

Quang Tu LE

Santanu Mukherjee

Main Event

SSI implementation: Practical Experience From Alastria

A Presentation by

Coty de Monteverde

Head of Crypto & Blockchain at Santander

Alastria Board member and Sponsor of the Identity Commission

Carlos Pastor

Inetum Blockchain Strategy Director

Alastria Identity Commission Leader

Convenor of European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (ESSIF/EBSI)

Paula Pascual

Crypto & Blockchain Project Manager at Santander

Alastria is a non-profit association that promotes the digital economy through the development of decentralised ledger technologies/Blockchain. ID_Alastria is a digital identity model proposed by the Association for use in digital services, even beyond blockchain technology itself and inspired by the Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) concept.

Presentation: a PDF

Video Recording

Questions (answered )

luca boldrin : Is the api (swagger) offered on some central alastria node? or is it exposed by each single network node?

Carlos Pastor answered this question on the recording

Reynaldo (CPQD) : Do you intend to develop new PoC using diferent DLT, like indy or Fabric?

Answer: Paula Pascual : Hey Renaldo, of course, in fact we are already adapting the model to be deployed to Hyperledger Fabric. Hopefully we can do the same with other DLTs!

Some other questions were asked and answered on zoom.

  1. Canonicalization? Use of techniques to produce equivalence of equivalent data (since hashing can create different hashes for equivalent xml or json documents which have different order of elements or absence or presence of empty elements) We will continue the discussion.
  2. GLEIF based LEIs and Roles (for wallets that should be on individuals zoom) for digitalis - should be answered by Digitalis members.

Questions (unanswered)

Miguel Jimenez : Could a user create a presentation from multiples DIDs? If it is the case, how do you avoid a composite identity?

Joseba LEKUBE : Is it possible not to store on chain the users public key in order to increase privacy?


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