- Antitrust Policy and introductions - VB duration-depends on participation
- News from HGF (Hyperledger global Forum)- Identity was center stage, talks and workshops, Governance is paramount.
- Main event Daniel Bachenheimer -KTDI (Known Traveler Digital Identity) from WEF + ISO 307 -
- NIST 800-63: https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63-3.html
- How can we follow up on past presentations? Kim Cameron certainly wishes input on his presentation and debates on items raised by him.
- Future talks (we are working with some of these folks on nailing down dates)
- Kiva - current status. Alan Krassowski - possible talk later.
- Guardianship - a Sovrin whitepaper
- Identity for IOT- Blockchain implications Bhawana Singh, JNU
- Trust for Dangerous goods, the IAM aspect - project in HL Fabric - Roland Aerosurete
- ID2020: What happened and why is it important Vipin Bharathan
- Ongoing:
- IEEE:P2733 for Clinical IoT Data and Device Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety and Security (TIPPSS) - report on call, for those who have registered.
- Identity WG Implementer call - report -
- Meeting Notes TBD
- A GitHub repo was created under Hyperledger for IDWG. A note will be prepared about governance and contribution.
- Discuss IDWG paper
- DCIWG Survey currently on line
- Implementing metrics from Chaoss... DCIWG- let us reopen.
Attendees (17 in zoom)
Vipin Bharathan
Dan Bachenheimer
Clive Boulton Gary DeGruccio
Alfonso Govela
- Lindsay Nuon
- Denise Berard
- James Dzienowski
- Kumaravelu
- April Turner
- Alisa Worley
- Alison Geib
- Randy Zhang
- Ron K
- Ted Achtem
- Venu Reddy
- Meredith Bennett
Ravikant Agrawal
Video (the first 1:23 are choppy, the video and audio stabilize after that)
- Anti-Trust and code of conduct after which there was a presentation by Dan Bachenheimer from Accenture.
- See KTDI.org for overview video and more project info - overview video also available in video recording.
- KTDI is a SSI pilot built using Indy with a private public partnership Dutch↔Canadian officials and KTDI organisation, stood the collaboration
- Questions:
- What is the blockchain used? Who are running the nodes? Indy based blockchain with the Dutch/Canadians and KTDI running nodes. Maybe there will be a move to get a global agency to run nodes.
- When there are verifiers, Holders and Issuers, selective disclosure through digital wallets then is there any restriction on data storage by verifiers? No, but depends on the jurisdiction (GDPR etc.)
- Physical passports are needed in the US, needs legislation to remove this restriction.
- Dan also situated the ISO TC 307 in the context of other standards from the ISO as well as NIST, W3C and other efforts.
- Slides are available
, multiple selections available,
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