Technical Track
Determine next steps:
Tech Team Updates
- The link to FireFly CLI:
- All the code is being uploaded at our Github:
Part 1
Github Repository
Part 2
Play with Firefly CLI (India Chapter youtube video has the best Demo)
Part 3
FIREFLY's API: API and it what order (Postman file getting started from Mona )
PArt 4
Token Connector?
From ff team: Postman queries for "Mint w/ Data" and "Transfer w/ Data" can work on the very latest FireFly code.
*Strikethrough indicates Completion of Task
GET Developers STARTED: Firefly creates a signing address on the bc for you. Not on Mainnet, on our FF instance.
Issues for Developers | ||
Assignment | Owner | Comments |
Database issues | Postgres or sequel lite, | |
leverage your API | ||
P[RESENTATIONScreate the Platform team - we can transfer from mint it with QR code | ||
QR code | ||
Front end | ||
Solidity | pLocal -private ipfs upload, Docker named volume no server ff start, same data will be there. ff reset of ff remove will clear out data. | |
Token Connector | token or requests of firefly endpoint to retrieve date | |
erc721 Change how we mint nft : Not using | smart-contract method to mint nft's | Set up contracts Token to point to IPFS, Use Firefly IPfs, upload file to ff, it will put it on IPFS, OPen to Giving chain consortium 9 HASH IPFS and w/ HTTP or FF API CIDHAsh of content identifier, the value returned might be hash returned in code or in data table in FF database and keep track of all data items. We need a way to link back to the image. If we feed is into the solidity contract, would we need URL of where the image is hosted. URL each member GE IS HOSTED. NFT will get minted with ID of Image |
Authentication | set up user authentication (REACT) User Authentication - Nodes registration in ff but we don't want users to have that capability. | |
ff is private not using public, means with in-network, Public doesn't mean public to the entire world.n | ||
| |
Creation of Datatype | Data type, play with API. FF's blockchain network lets you create data type, fill out info about the data type. Every time we make a donation | |
Issues for Developers
The FireFly project focuses on: | Task |
POC - create 3 metamask addresses with the Platform team - we can transfer from
mint it with QR code
broadcast it with QR code (driver can agree to get it then Donor waits for driver and only triggers nft transfer from metamask wallet when the actually good are transferred. Goods transfer, NFT to Drivers wallet, QR code is in back gathering additional metadata. Scan code will ask the user to scan /upload a picture that is stored in metadata. (or put metadata on a chain) transfer then Donor recipient metamask get nft at final transfer.
QR code
Meeting Notes:
Get Specific task:
Set up Database | |
Sql Lite | |
Front end | |
Solidity | Task | |
Open Zepplin | Hard hat framework | |
erc721 | smart-contract method to mint nft's while working on the token connector. -Hardik has the whole contract, working fine, send to group Solidity Provide Set up contracts Token to point to IPFS The mint function takes the address and token id, normally message.sender mint toa dres of person who called function. Ties back to security, limited addresses for minting? or anyone log in with address? The project manager will allow registration Burn mint and check balance, we have every function the erc20 token possesses. Each has own address or group for donors. Counter for minting (id1, d 2, id3 )counter | |
Counterpart | import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721URIStorage.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol"; |
Transaction part
Assignment | Owner | |
"solidity backend" | smart contract to do minting | Hardik, Mona |
QR Codes | Scanning and formatted | Hardik |
Authentication | set up user authentication (REACT) User Authentication - Nodes registration in ff but we don't want users to have that capability. | |
Database | Low Level, must do but can skip for POC | |
Forms | Auth. and user input data 2. Nodes - donor info form, Driver form, and recipient | |
Donor mints, broadcast, able to supply an address to driver Privately | ||
Front end | using FF we have two request
| Bobbi will try mock-up of forms needed for data collection and minting |
Creation of Datatype | Data type, play with API. FF's blockchain network lets you create data type, fill out info about the data type. Every time we make a donation | |
test run | interact with stack, show screenshots, | Hardik, Mona |
data type | Ask FF people, reach out to Nicko for good examples JSON types | Mona |
front end forms - independent orgs. Logins login as one of the three, have to check on the roles
* Wireframes? API interactions frontend need minting functionalities, UX UI design secondary to the blockchain. Where do we get mockups and templates for design?
Mint NFT, Broadcast NFT and send private message.
Form Questions to gather front end info. Google Forms can translate to React form and we can use information
Both private and network broadcast, some piece of information open to all and some information available private example - Donors location only for transporter.
Timeline for Project Completion
Social Impact - 10/26,
Mentorship Presentation
November 17th at 5 pm CET (11 am EST).
The FireFly project focusses on: | Task | Completed |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Team meeting to determine Tasks that needs to be completed and who is responsible.
Timeline to complete projects.
Bobbi Muscara is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Giving Chain Re-group
Time: Oct 6, 2021 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 1117 4204
Passcode: 870113
10/ 1
Tech team meeting
Review Presentation
Review Technical Options
Divide Work.
Friday re-group meeting
Must prepare for Wednesdays Trade Finance Meeting and send Andrea the Final version Monday 9/27
An NFT solution
Regroup Meeting
Get initial things ready
Development: BAckend
- Can we add Postgres or sequel lite, step it up now for further development?
- Can we leverage your API
- We can create a token pool but cant mint NFT yet
- Store it all in FF-free database?
- How are nodes/entities treated in Firefly? Technically, do you have 1 node per project or Multiple nodes in a project?
- Wallet - ff creates its own blockchain wallet? or need to create an external wallet to support the token end
- Follow-up photos - the original NFT will be created and embed the subsequent metadata of the NFT. NFT is used as the digital twin to the physical donation. Does API allow us to meta
Mona -
- NFT portion - use a token pool that FF has. Can you explain token pool, what stage 1155? applicable still . Thin extension to NF VS NFT. Can create pools, in the meantime we can set a unique ... to track ownership. Hoping FF will have tech lower Levels we need to focus on upper layers of tech stack
- A token pool allocates unique IDs to track donor to recipient, minting and transfer happen with that ID. That id is unique for the asset class, each thing inside has an index. The pool represents class, Index represents items.
- integer id represents different types of
ETH connect - Earlier code, just a more user-friendly web interface in front of Ethereum. Provides functionality - internal utilities. system governance issues handled. We should not have to worry about it.
ERV 1155, or just FF, if the connector is sufficient, we should mainly deal with FF. That layer should be done for us
CLI - FF API is where e will build app to build token pool mint and transfer. FF creates, soon mints,s, and transfer all on the FF API. 1155 is it good enough? Yes we think so.
Bare Bottoms:
Next Steps:
Download FF CLI
Start a FF Environment, and explore API
Start by the backend, what does the app need to do and build against ff API.
Big constructs: Messaging and DAta
Reference piece a data between token and message. Get transfers down _ data flow= points of hand off with proof of real-world asset, take for of message with data points mapped out. ,.
API calls - FF goal is to develop the business logic of the problem trying to solve ( interface user mgt... ) build all of it today except the token part.
Do we need to solve identity registering
Business id done for Friday
Backend side - complete first then we can plugin API
Many member network
Hardik - described where we are in the project.
Discuss Email
Hi. I'm catching up with James Barry and Bill in person as Taekion are a partner.
My understanding is that you are interested in the RocksDB implementation we've open-sourced under Apache but haven't had time to contribute to Hyperledger Sawtooth core.
I gather from talking to James that you aren't interested in using this unless it is contributed.
It would be great to have a call to discuss this. Please choose a time that works for you using
Duncan Johnston-Watt
+44 777 190 2653
Nicko - Question At end of the chain how does the donor know what he received? He will be able to track the donation thru the QR code as well as digital pictures. A Picture IS taken at each transfer. QR represents the unique id associated w/ transaction. The Collection of NFT's (IPFS) hash will be stored and used as a link. Each picture's hash links back to the QR code. Donor generates the first instance of QR code.
Is this feasible? YES
NFT will be stored on a local database.
Still working on tokens, NFT ARE NOT READY TO BE used out of the box. Is there a way to do this in a different way w/o nfts?
Upload a blob, Store Image, and store hash. The payload can be transferred to other members of the network. Roll them up into transaction ID. Can we make a collection of these Blobs?
No concept of the collection, but generate a topic within firefly. it defines a narrowing ordering system. Topics get assigned to several messages and need to be processed in order. Donation run in Parrelle by topics, an end to end joining messages in a certain order
- Upload an image and get data id
- Send a message with tx id. Nodes that are part of the network can query by topic.
- The message does not associate with a topic until it is sent (set the topic) Donor
- Driver uploads message under a topic he can be sure it is the right topic with QR code or is embedded into the QR code.
- Scan QR code and take a picture, send a message,...HERE IS THE NEXT ISSUE IN THE TOPIC
Be stored in a Database
- What Database
- How does it plug in (reaCT, FIREFLY/)
- Firefly has its own database, you can query FF database. can't write to it. Postgres Sequel Lite (no SQL ) Create their own data structure and what rights they have. These permissions responsibilities are good for FF's database, Uses whatever database works for you.
- Backend app will listen for the event (WebSocket) so when nodes broadcast, that is how backend. can use WebSocket or hooks
- Frontend....Backend... Databaseplement The database has records that represent the entirety of the event. Store the "NFTS" successful when aLL THREE HASHES ARE BROADCASTED. The f/u Implentent end compilation of the "NFTS".
Digital Images can be transferred into an NFT, not available in D2R release 1
Token pools - Feasible to set up a smart contract to mint the NFT after all three pictures are broadcast to the network. The photo gets minted to NFT with the Hash that it creates. We can upload to an infura node. QR code is a different NFT. How do you prove it ? What is an NFT and where is it useful. Have an asset (digital Twin or Digital assets) who owns it, prove It on-chain. Transfer event of NFT until it reached the final destination. 1 nft for the donation or an NFT for each digital picture.
Proof of ownership
Pan out - photo linked to QR code and topic. The donor will create the first photo which creates the asset. We could transfer NFT
Dynamic NFT's Chainlink demo - logo changed to show the weather where the physical item was.
How did we get here? Idea was to prove Providence of the donation but can we also make it proof of ownership. Have QR code on the product - evident in every photo (QR Code).
Each time NFT transfers, the next photo stores data or hash, we put metadata that is an external pointer as proof of transfer (can look it up) solve for proof of ownership by looking at the flow. NFT has Meta data of transfer time with the matching photo.
The donor has 1 nft (proof of ownership) metadata in NFT that can be associated metadata with a transfer. If I am transferring an nft from me to you we can associate data with that transfer (on chain) Take a photo at step 1, get hash and ipfs address, associate that data with the transfer process. Prove it on the blockchain. Also look up on IPFS, state of thing when it was handed off. View on IPFS and the only NFT is the first on. Transfer - must provide picture at handoff that becomes part of the NFT in the metadata. Minteing them on IPFS has
Next step for a demo
- The hopeful token will finish soon and we can build on that. Today we can code * token connector, reference implementation. Sort thru smart contract. Off the shelf, the solution will meet our needs. Not use NFT use firefly to upload images and send that data to members grouped into a topic. We can write that app today and then improve code when NFT capabilities are out.
DEMO is up and running. Which is the best representative document set up. Create using this link TOKEN CONNECTOR Build a separate app for the token connector.
Option 1 - tokens will be ready let's start building Yes
Option 2 - build today with what's available. Nah
The project end date is November 5th, we are willing to work on a token solution.
- 1155 Ethereum protocol - does it need our needs, we can use the token connector as is.
- Set up a Monday meeting to regroup!
Great Team work!!!
Brief Presentation
Questions and Answer
9/1 Hardik joined FireFly and mentioned the Bug Fix of Mona. He will incorporate it into their Documentation.
Name | Email Address | Talent | Github |
Hardik Gupta | | Project Mentee / Project Management / Technical Lead | 7/26 |
Mona Rassouli | | Developer/ Marketing(social media)/Documentation/ Articles or Blogs | |
Devrata Puri | devratapuri@gmail.con | Developer | |
K Sanjay Kumar | | Developer | |
Madhu Bhatia | | Documentation/Paper, Articles Publication | |
Divyansh Garg | | Developer/Network Architect | |
Harsh Vardhan Singh Rawat | | UI/UX Designer, Market Analyst, Content Writing | |
Business Process definition:
NFT - How will NFT is transferred correctly _ erc721 contract (compares photos Before and after)
To Do
Build Interface
USE Case
- Enroll Participants
The project manager enrolled as an Admin
Transporter Donors and Recipients enrolled by Admin or directly thru a website - Track Donations
Enter as a Lab
ā¦Is available as an instance of Sawtooth chain on a single node (Dev); with the ability to:
ā¦create key-pairs
ā¦create assets
ā¦Transfer assets ( accept or reject the asset)
ā¦ Explorer , a view-able tracking of the current holder of the asset from the current front-end interface.
Create three user interfaces that attach to the backend
Backend Blockchain that can track giving chain donations from recipient to donor.
Review Presentation
Review Technical Options: API looks Great .
Can we Demo something next week, next month , next year
Divide Work.
Friday re-group meeting
Must prepare for Wednesdays Trade Finance Meeting and send Andrea the Final version Monday 9/27
An NFT solution
Regroup Meeting
Get initial things ready
Development: BAckend
- Can we add Postgres or sequel lite, step it up now for further development?
- Can we leverage your API
- We can create a token pool but cant mint NFT yet
- Store it all in FF-free database?
- How are nodes/entities treated in Firefly? Technically, do you have 1 node per project or Multiple nodes in a project?
- Wallet - ff creates its own blockchain wallet? or need to create an external wallet to support the token end
- Follow-up photos - the original NFT will be created and embed the subsequent metadata of the NFT. NFT is used as the digital twin to the physical donation. Does API allow us to meta
Mona -
- NFT portion - use a token pool that FF has. Can you explain token pool, what stage 1155? applicable still . Thin extension to NF VS NFT. Can create pools, in the meantime we can set a unique ... to track ownership. Hoping FF will have tech lower Levels we need to focus on upper layers of tech stack
- A token pool allocates unique IDs to track donor to recipient, minting and transfer happen with that ID. That id is unique for the asset class, each thing inside has an index. The pool represents class, Index represents items.
- integer id represents different types of
ETH connect - Earlier code, just a more user-friendly web interface in front of Ethereum. Provides functionality - internal utilities. system governance issues handled. We should not have to worry about it.
ERV 1155, or just FF, if the connector is sufficient, we should mainly deal with FF. That layer should be done for us
CLI - FF API is where e will build app to build token pool mint and transfer. FF creates, soon mints,s, and transfer all on the FF API. 1155 is it good enough? Yes we think so.
Bare Bottoms:
Next Steps:
Download FF CLI
Start a FF Environment, and explore API
Start by the backend, what does the app need to do and build against ff API.
Big constructs: Messaging and DAta
Reference piece a data between token and message. Get transfers down _ data flow= points of hand off with proof of real-world asset, take for of message with data points mapped out. ,.
API calls - FF goal is to develop the business logic of the problem trying to solve ( interface user mgt... ) build all of it today except the token part.
Do we need to solve identity registering
Business id done for Friday
Backend side - complete first then we can plugin API
Many member network
Hardik - described where we are in the project.
Discuss Email
Hi. I'm catching up with James Barry and Bill in person as Taekion are a partner.
My understanding is that you are interested in the RocksDB implementation we've open-sourced under Apache but haven't had time to contribute to Hyperledger Sawtooth core.
I gather from talking to James that you aren't interested in using this unless it is contributed.
It would be great to have a call to discuss this. Please choose a time that works for you using
Duncan Johnston-Watt
+44 777 190 2653
Nicko - Question At end of the chain how does the donor know what he received? He will be able to track the donation thru the QR code as well as digital pictures. A Picture IS taken at each transfer. QR represents the unique id associated w/ transaction. The Collection of NFT's (IPFS) hash will be stored and used as a link. Each picture's hash links back to the QR code. Donor generates the first instance of QR code.
Is this feasible? YES
NFT will be stored on a local database.
Still working on tokens, NFT ARE NOT READY TO BE used out of the box. Is there a way to do this in a different way w/o nfts?
Upload a blob, Store Image, and store hash. The payload can be transferred to other members of the network. Roll them up into transaction ID. Can we make a collection of these Blobs?
No concept of the collection, but generate a topic within firefly. it defines a narrowing ordering system. Topics get assigned to several messages and need to be processed in order. Donation run in Parrelle by topics, an end to end joining messages in a certain order
- Upload an image and get data id
- Send a message with tx id. Nodes that are part of the network can query by topic.
- The message does not associate with a topic until it is sent (set the topic) Donor
- Driver uploads message under a topic he can be sure it is the right topic with QR code or is embedded into the QR code.
- Scan QR code and take a picture, send a message,...HERE IS THE NEXT ISSUE IN THE TOPIC
Be stored in a Database
- What Database
- How does it plug in (reaCT, FIREFLY/)
- Firefly has its own database, you can query FF database. can't write to it. Postgres Sequel Lite (no SQL ) Create their own data structure and what rights they have. These permissions responsibilities are good for FF's database, Uses whatever database works for you.
- Backend app will listen for the event (WebSocket) so when nodes broadcast, that is how backend. can use WebSocket or hooks
- Frontend....Backend... Databaseplement The database has records that represent the entirety of the event. Store the "NFTS" successful when aLL THREE HASHES ARE BROADCASTED. The f/u Implentent end compilation of the "NFTS".
Digital Images can be transferred into an NFT, not available in D2R release 1
Token pools - Feasible to set up a smart contract to mint the NFT after all three pictures are broadcast to the network. The photo gets minted to NFT with the Hash that it creates. We can upload to an infura node. QR code is a different NFT. How do you prove it ? What is an NFT and where is it useful. Have an asset (digital Twin or Digital assets) who owns it, prove It on-chain. Transfer event of NFT until it reached the final destination. 1 nft for the donation or an NFT for each digital picture.
Proof of ownership
Pan out - photo linked to QR code and topic. The donor will create the first photo which creates the asset. We could transfer NFT
Dynamic NFT's Chainlink demo - logo changed to show the weather where the physical item was.
How did we get here? Idea was to prove Providence of the donation but can we also make it proof of ownership. Have QR code on the product - evident in every photo (QR Code).
Each time NFT transfers, the next photo stores data or hash, we put metadata that is an external pointer as proof of transfer (can look it up) solve for proof of ownership by looking at the flow. NFT has Meta data of transfer time with the matching photo.
The donor has 1 nft (proof of ownership) metadata in NFT that can be associated metadata with a transfer. If I am transferring an nft from me to you we can associate data with that transfer (on chain) Take a photo at step 1, get hash and ipfs address, associate that data with the transfer process. Prove it on the blockchain. Also look up on IPFS, state of thing when it was handed off. View on IPFS and the only NFT is the first on. Transfer - must provide picture at handoff that becomes part of the NFT in the metadata. Minteing them on IPFS has
Next step for a demo
- The hopeful token will finish soon and we can build on that. Today we can code * token connector, reference implementation. Sort thru smart contract. Off the shelf, the solution will meet our needs. Not use NFT use firefly to upload images and send that data to members grouped into a topic. We can write that app today and then improve code when NFT capabilities are out.
DEMO is up and running. Which is the best representative document set up. Create using this link TOKEN CONNECTOR Build a separate app for the token connector.
Option 1 - tokens will be ready let's start building Yes
Option 2 - build today with what's available. Nah
The project end date is November 5th, we are willing to work on a token solution.
- 1155 Ethereum protocol - does it need our needs, we can use the token connector as is.
- Set up a Monday meeting to regroup!
Great Team work!!!
Brief Presentation
Questions and Answer
9/1 Hardik joined FireFly and mentioned the Bug Fix of Mona. He will incorporate it into their Documentation.
Name | Email Address | Talent | Github |
Hardik Gupta | | Project Mentee / Project Management / Technical Lead | 7/26 |
Mona Rassouli | | Developer/ Marketing(social media)/Documentation/ Articles or Blogs | |
Devrata Puri | devratapuri@gmail.con | Developer | |
K Sanjay Kumar | | Developer | |
Madhu Bhatia | | Documentation/Paper, Articles Publication | |
Divyansh Garg | | Developer/Network Architect | |
Harsh Vardhan Singh Rawat | | UI/UX Designer, Market Analyst, Content Writing | |
Business Process definition:
NFT - How will NFT is transferred correctly _ erc721 contract (compares photos Before and after)
To Do
Build Interface
USE Case
- Enroll Participants
The project manager enrolled as an Admin
Transporter Donors and Recipients enrolled by Admin or directly thru a website - Track Donations
Enter as a Lab
ā¦Is available as an instance of Sawtooth chain on a single node (Dev); with the ability to:
ā¦create key-pairs
ā¦create assets
ā¦Transfer assets ( accept or reject the asset)
ā¦ Explorer , a view-able tracking of the current holder of the asset from the current front-end interface.
Create three user interfaces that attach to the backend
Backend Blockchain that can track giving chain donations from recipient to donor.