LF Decentralized Trust
LF Decentralized Trust
Hyperledger Mentorship Program
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Mentorship Projects
2024 Projects
2023 Projects
2022 Projects
Asset tracking
Automated Fault-Tolerant HTLC for Cross-Chain Atomic Asset Exchange
Blockchain Network Operation in a Decentralized Way
Chaincode-level event monitoring tool for Hyperledger Fabric
Chia Connector for Hyperledger Cactus
Client Connector for Hyperledger Besu
Cross-Chain State Modelling and Analysis
Decentralised Wholistic Marketplace
Demonstrate Interoperability using Hyperledger Bevel and Cactus
Deploy Carbon Accounting Network with Bevel
Develop a Blockchain Based Game with Hyperledger & other chains
Developer Marketing
DRman : Utility to provision and administer DID based Verifiable credential registries for Hyperledger Aries framework
Ecosystem Analyst
Enable Kubernetes Operators support for Fablo
Expand Minifabric with k8s operator support
Extend existing Iroha - Cactus integration
Fabric-Ethereum token bridging
Green Blockchain
GVCR: Secure Verifiable Credential Registries (VCR) for GitHub & GitLab
Hyperleger Cactus and Hedera Hashgraph Integration
Identity Mixer Support for both Fabric Gateway SDK for Java and Fabric Gateway Client API for Java
Implement Climate Use Cases with DLT and Smart Contracts
Implement iroha-cpp library for Hyperledger Iroha 1
Industry Research, Alignment, and Business Strategy - Mediverseapp.com
Learning Tokens
Making chaincode fault tolerant software
Mbeche Decentralised Value Chain
Mentoring on Architectural development for Realtime Healthcare Modules
Multiple Data Integration to Fabric Climate Accounting Network
One-stop shop for all-things Hyperledger
Optimising the pipelines using Github Actions for Caliper and Caliper-Benchmarks
Privacy-preserving federated learning framework based on Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Aries.
Project Proposal for Educational Play to Earn Game for Hyperledger
SLA Self-Assessment with Hyperledger Fabric
Solang Solidity Compiler optimizations and error handling
Supply Chain - certification, solution to track, trace and efficiently certify liquid food grade and dairy transportation
Support NFT standards in Weaver for cross-network asset operations
Technical Deep Dive Workshop Content Creation for Hyperledger Cactus
Upgrade Fabric network from 1.4.x to 2.2.x using Hyperledger Bevel
Visual Studio Code support for Hyperledger Caliper artifacts
2021 Projects
2020 Projects
2019 Projects
2018 Projects
2017 Projects
VS Code Plugin - Project Plan
For Applicants
For Mentors
For Mentees
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Hyperledger Mentorship Program
2022 Projects
2022 Projects
Min Yu
Daniela Barbosa
Ry Jones
Owned by
Min Yu
Last updated:
Jun 07, 2022
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