Chaos Monkey Engineering in Umbra Scalability Tests

Chaos Monkey Engineering in Umbra Scalability Tests

Project TitleRunning scalability tests using Umbra while applying chaos engineering techniques in blockchain networks





Umbra has been developed in the past 2 years thanks to successful internship projects, its final target is the development of a platform for emulating blockchain projects and conducting academic research. 
This year the goal of the internship project is to unleash the full potential of Umbra, therefore running large scale tests added to chaos engineering mechanisms. 
The intern is going to work on mechanism that enable chaos engineering in Umbra, execute large scale tests in cloud providers (thousands of nodes), and present measurement reports of blockchain and infrastructure metrics.
The goal is to enhance Umbra to a stable release, prove its full potential, and produce material to be reproducible by different academic institutions teach and perform research with the developed Umbra experiments.

Additional Information

Umbra is hosted by hyperledger-labs (https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/umbra). Check out the examples.

Learning Objectives

1. Understand Umbra architecture (components and messages);

2. Test Umbra in lab and cloud environments;

3. Create common events in Umbra to exercise chaos engineering mechanisms;

4. Demonstrate the collected metrics of the experiments in umbra dashboards using graphana;

5. Present reports of the umbra experiments.

Expected Outcome

Enhance Umbra source code, enable a stable experimentation environment for Umbra in cloud environments with large topologies (e.g., thousands of nodes), generate chaos engineering mechanisms in Umbra, capture the events in dashboards, and generate comprehensive reports detailing an Umbra experiment.

Relation to Hyperledger 

Adding functionalities to project Umbra hosted by Hyperledger-Labs, in addition to run large scalability tests (e.g., thousands of nodes) with hyperledger Fabric and Iroha projects, generating comprehensive reports. 

In the near future, it will enable common tests cases for blockchain projects.

Education Level

Preferred postgraduate students with notions of Software Defined Networking, and solid knowledge on blockchain project (e.g., Fabric and Iroha).


Knowledge about Hyperledger Fabric and Iroha projects, and understanding of software defined networking concepts, with practical experience in emulation environments (e.g., using Mininet).

Future plans

After the successful execution of this internship, Umbra could potentially be a reference platform to conduct scalability tests in Hyperledger blockchains.

Preferred Hours and Length of Internship

Full-time preferably.

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Raphael Vicente Rosaraphaelvrosa@gmail.com (Creator and maintainer of the Umbra project)

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