The Giving Chain

The Giving Chain

Project TitleThe Giving Chain




The Giving Chain is a Social Impact project created by the Hyperledger Princeton Meetup. The Purpose of the project is to decentralize local charity giving by creating the Giving Chain and the R2D application. The application will use participants cell phones  to create an asset to be donated. The R2D (Recipient to Donor) then notifies the participant in the giving chain that an asset has been created and ready to be donated. The asset is then track till it is received by someone with need. This donation system lets donors track donation as well as creating a dignified way in which people can receive assistance.  

Additional Information

The project made it to a proof of concept using the fish example in the sawtooth documentation.  It received an honorable mention at the Big Apps Blockchain challenge 2020, and won the GBA 2020 Social Impact Award 2020 .  www.thegivingchain.org www.bcprinceton.com


LinkedIn Group: ​https://www.linkedin.com/groups/9055378/

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to manage people in an open source volunteer environment.
  • Increase understanding of  Software package to help manage projects and people ( Wikis, Presentation software, zoom, website design and maintenance).
  • Determine best blockchain architecture for R2D application.
  • Manage technical aspects of project design
  • Create a POC / MVP to blockchain that will track donations from donor to recipient.

Expected Outcome

  •  Complete the 6  Checkpoints  according to Giving Chain Project Timeline 
  • Determine best technical Architecture for project
  • Develop tech Stack and implement project
  • Create and manage business relationships
  • Spin up an operational blockchain that will use to R2D application for decentralized  local charity giving and targeted disaster relief.

Relation to Hyperledger 

Participant can decide which Hyperledger blockchain will best suit the projects needs. Work can be showcased during the Learning Materials Working group calls. Original project was completed during  Hyperledger meetups and is documented on the wiki page "how to build a social impact project.  Meetup PROJECT IDEAS.

Education Level

Participants should have a mix of business (develop associations ) and/ or  programming skill 


Ability to create a blockchain for the project 

Future plans

The future of the giving chain is to support local communities with the donation process. 

Preferred Hours and Length of Internship

Part Time 20 hours a week

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Bobbi Muscara

Ledger Academy

TSC Member




Final Report

Project Results

›The link to FireFly CLI: https://github.com/hyperledger/firefly-cli

›All the code is being uploaded at our Github: https://github.com/DecoratedWings/GivingChain-ui

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