CA2SIG - Meeting February 21

CA2SIG - Meeting February 21



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  1. New member welcome
    1. How to Contribute
  2. Opportunities to Participate
    1. Non-technical contribution opportunities
      1. The CA2SIG is seeking Marketing and Communications support.
    2. Technical contribution opportunities
  3. Working Group Updates
    1. Carbon Accounting WG
    2. Standards WG
    3. Research WG
  4. Presentation from Kamlesh Nagware - Blockchain & Sustainability (Hyperledger Global forum 2022) 
  5. CA2SIG Member Announcements
    1. What do you have to share?
    2. Upcoming events, initiatives, speaking opportunities?
    3. Items for the next meeting?
  6. CA2SIG Discussion - What Next
    1. ReFi/Sustainable finance - Kamlesh, Bertrand 
    2. Circular economy/ Waste management - Kamlesh
    3. Sustainable Agriculture Supply chain - Kamlesh
    4. Bertrand is working in the sustainable finance space and wants to contribute to CA2SIG.
    5. Reports on blockchain & sustainability- Every year or 6 months. 
    6. should invite climate/sustainable finance/green financing VC funds

Recording:   CA2SIG General Meeting_20220221.mp4

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