CA2 SIG - Meeting January 10

CA2 SIG - Meeting January 10


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  1. New member welcome
    1. How to Contribute
  2. Opportunities to Participate
    1. Non-technical contribution opportunities
      1. The CA2SIG is seeking Marketing and Communications support.
    2. Technical contribution opportunities
  3. Working Group Updates
    1. Carbon Accounting WG
    2. Standards WG
    3. Research WG
    4. What opportunities are there for CA2SIG members to participate in your work?
  4. 2023 Planning: The purpose of this meeting is for members of the Climate Action and Accounting Special Interest Group to share their plans and goals for 2023.  Please join us to share

    1. 2022 Summary of progress made by  CA2SIG working groups.
    2. What should the plans and goals be for the CA2SIG in 2023? What do we want to accomplish?
    3. How can we accomplish these goals?
    4. What are the opportunities that we can take advantage of to increase participation and awareness for the CA2SIG?
  5. CA2SIG Member Announcements
    1. What do you have to share?
    2. Upcoming events, initiatives, speaking opportunties?
      1. Linux Foundation Sustainability Conference - May 10-12, Open Call for Proposal, Deadline Feb 5.
    3. Items for next meeting?
  6. Upcoming Speakers
    1. During our January 24th, 2023 meeting, we will have a guest presentation on the Partnership for Carbon Transparency (PACT), hosted by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), has released the first set of technical specifications for the standardized exchange of carbon emissions data.

    2. During our February 7th, 2023 meeting, we will hear from Etherisc on their decentralized insurance protocol and the growing opportunity space of insurance solutions related to the challenge of climate change.

    3. During our March 21st, 2023 meeting we will hear from we will hear from Wes Geisenberger, VP of HBAR foundation on "Open Source Climate Tech: Creating Scalable MRV on Hedera"


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