CA2SIG - Meeting February 7

CA2SIG - Meeting February 7



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  1. New member welcome
    1. How to Contribute
  2. Opportunities to Participate
    1. Non-technical contribution opportunities
      1. The CA2SIG is seeking Marketing and Communications support.
    2. Technical contribution opportunities
  3. Working Group Updates
    1. Carbon Accounting WG
    2. Standards WG
    3. Research WG
  4. CA2SIG Member Announcements
    1. What do you have to share?
    2. Upcoming events, initiatives, speaking opportunties?
    3. Items for next meeting?
  5. Presentation by Etherisc: Decentralized Insurance Solutions to tackle Climate Risks by Jan Stockhausen

    1. Etherisc supports a decentralized insurance protocol to collectively build insurance products. We will hear about their efforts to develop insurance solutions in response to Climate Change.  The presentation will cover what Etherisc's Generic Insurance Framework does generally and go into some of the use cases, especially focusing on those related to the carbon markets.


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