2024-06-12 Aries Working Group Call
2024-06-12 Aries Working Group Call
- Catching Up
- Prioritizing Topics
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/93803916577?pwd=UWdLSTJ2b0kvZTRyc1hZTUdQQ3ZFZz09
(7AM Los Angeles, 10AM New York, 3PM London, 4PM CET, 18H Moscow)
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct. |
- Sam Curren (Indicio) <sam@indicio.tech>
- Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs) <smccown@anonyome.com>
- James Ebert (Instnt) <james@jamesebert.dev>
Welcome / Introductions
Release Status and Work Updates
- Implementations:
- Aries Cloud Agent Python https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-cloudagent-python, Meetings: ACA-Pug Meetings, Documentation: https://aca-py.org
- Credo https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/credo-ts, Meetings: Credo Meetings
- Bifold Wallet -- https://github.com/openwallet-foundation/bifold-wallet Meetings: Bifold Meetings
- Aries VCX (https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-vcx, Meetings: Aries-VCX Meetings
- Picos as of pico-engine version 1.3.0 natively use DIDComm v2 (https://github.com/Picolab/pico-engine/blob/master/packages/pico-engine/README.md)
- Aries Agent Test Harness -- https://aries-interop.info
- Aries Shared Components - Indy SDK replacements
- Indy Verifiable Date Registry - Ledger Interface https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-vdr
- Aries Askar secure storage - https://github.com/bcgov/aries-askar
- AnonCreds Rust - https://github.com/hyperledger/anoncreds-rs
- Shared Rust Library/CredX (AnonCreds) https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-shared-rs - being replaced by AnonCreds Rust
- aries-mediator-service – a DIDComm Mediator in a Box
- aries-endorser-service – an Indy Endorser in a Box (in development)
- Aries Akrida - Load Testing DIDComm based protocols
Discussion Topics
- Pickup Protocol Review - James E.
- Draft abilities of DIDComm protocol versions
- https://hackmd.io/49ZNhgIHQ1Kn7DAmsQlHhw
- possibly full semver in next version?
- not targeted before next major version of DIDComm
- Unqualified DIDs
- https://hyperledger.github.io/aries-rfcs/latest/features/0793-unqualfied-dids-transition/
- Progress?
- did:indy handling
- unqualified anoncreds objects being rejected
- did:indy changes the unique identifier within the DID. both the old method and the new method should work.
- Credo is using did:indy only, cannot resolve unqualified asset identifiers.
- Rushed work to address within AnonCreds RS ( ? ) and ACA-Py.
- quicker fix in Credo, longer fix in everything.
- PRs for adoption status welcome
- OOB Invitation / DID Exchange CCU
- https://hyperledger.github.io/aries-rfcs/latest/features/0496-transition-to-oob-and-did-exchange/
- Step 1 (Accept OOB Invitations) needs confirmation - Please Do This.
- Bifold using OOB, but then connections (allowed for transitions)
- Step 2 - use OOB and implement DID Exchange
- PRs for adoption status welcome
- VDR Proxy
- DIDComm v2 adoption
- ACA-Py progress shared last week
- PR made for initial support. first round trip support.
- Any other updates?
- Credo has the beginnings of DIDComm v2, but does need some attention.
- ACA-Py progress shared last week
- Interopathon?
- Discuss post EIC
- Virtual
- potential target end of july
- participants
- Aries / ACA-Py
- Credo
- Veramo
- scope
- unqualified DIDs gone
- did rotation
- v1 - v2
- DIDComm v2
- trust ping?
- discover features?
- basicmessage?
- did rotation after connection
- didcomm demo interaction
- advanced tasks
- credential issuance / presentation
- unqualified DIDs gone
- Open Discussion
- JSON-LD creds impl within ACA-Py no longer working with Credo 0.5.0
- Sphereon library using for Presentation Exchange objects is not expecting quite the same things, additional fields.
- Daniel working through and testing, will report / create issues on the appropriate repos.
- Updates?
- Fix merged into ACA-Py.
- funny interactions between the speheron libraries and credo about presentation exchange. - issues raised to Timo et. al.
- Protocol RFC
- Harmonize Chat
- Sub connection-Ariel
- new DID for the connection.
- QR code short URLs / redirect to large invitations / deep linking in a way that works with iOS and Android
- https://github.com/hyperledger/aries-rfcs/blob/main/concepts/0700-oob-through-redirect/README.md
- BCGov working on something similar.
- JSON-LD creds impl within ACA-Py no longer working with Credo 0.5.0
- Mediator Reconfig revisit
- (from last week)
- 3 new messages
- updatedconfig - new routing DID
- note about timing or avoiding causing a traffic stampede as a result.
- ack- received by
- updated downstream (keylist updates as alternative?)
- updatedconfig - new routing DID
- need for this:
- anytime a mediator needs to change the routing DID
- static DID, but also other cases.
- loss of data at the mediator
- all routes lost.
Other Business
Future Topics
Action items
Call Recording:
, multiple selections available,
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