2024-05-29 Aries Working Group Call


  • CCUs
  • VDR Protocol
  • Interopathon?

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/93803916577?pwd=UWdLSTJ2b0kvZTRyc1hZTUdQQ3ZFZz09



(7AM Los Angeles, 10AM New York, 3PM London, 4PM CET, 18H Moscow)


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Welcome / Introductions


  • no meeting next week (EIC)

Release Status and Work Updates

Discussion Topics

  • Unqualified DIDs 
  • OOB Invitation / DID Exchange CCU
  • VDR Proxy
  • DIDComm v2 adoption
    • ACA-Py progress shared last week
      • PR made yesterday for initial support. first round trip support.
    • Any other updates?
    • Credo has the beginnings of DIDComm v2, but does need some attention.
  • Interopathon?
    • Discuss post EIC
    • Virtual
    • potential target end of july
    • participants
      • Aries /  ACA-Py
      • Credo
      • Veramo
    • scope
      • unqualified DIDs gone
        • did rotation
        • v1 - v2
      • DIDComm v2
        • trust ping?
        • discover features?
        • basicmessage?
        • did rotation after connection
        • didcomm demo interaction
      • advanced tasks
        • credential issuance / presentation
  • Open Discussion
  • Mediator Reconfig revisit
    • (from last week)
    • 3 new messages
      • updatedconfig - new routing DID
        • note about timing or avoiding causing a traffic stampede as a result.
      • ack- received by 
      • updated downstream (keylist updates as alternative?)
    • need for this:
      • anytime a mediator needs to change the routing DID
      • static DID, but also other cases.
    • loss of data at the mediator
      • all routes lost.

Other Business

Future Topics

Action items

Call Recording: