2024-02-21 Aries Working Group Call


  • AIP 2.0 Updates
  • Credential protocol Reversions

Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/93803916577?pwd=UWdLSTJ2b0kvZTRyc1hZTUdQQ3ZFZz09



(7AM Los Angeles, 10AM New York, 3PM London, 4PM CET, 18H Moscow)

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please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.


Welcome / Introductions


  • Tomorrow, Thursday, Feb 21th Annual Review presentation at the TOC (links below in agenda)

Release Status and Work Updates

Discussion Topics

Other Business

Future Topics

  • Niels Klomp offered a deeper dive into the openid4vc related flows
  • decorator for redirection after proofs. - existing?
  • in the Aug 9 call there was talk about EUDI compatibility. Maybe tracking the progress every now and then in these calls? Has there been any discussion about adding SD-JWT and OID4VC stuff to Aries Interop test suite?

Action items

Call Recording: