2021 01 15 DWG Agenda

2021 01 15 DWG Agenda

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Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct



  • Prioritize H/M/L 2021 Documentation Goals (Theme: Make Fabric easier to use and update)
    • Currency/Tech Debt:
      • M Prune Jira Backlog
      • M Finish system channel remove/update Test network & tutorial
      • M Getting Started
      • M Add/Remove Raft ordering node tutorial
      • Content Refresh
        • M Do we still need 2 Introductions?
        • M Arch Reference topic
    • M Encourage users to migrate off of older releases/Deprecation banner on earlier release topics
    • M Fabric Documentation Translation Campaign
    • M New Deprecations Strategy and Page
    • M How can we improve Caliper and Explorer Docs
    • M Add/Remove Raft ordering node tutorial
    • M Assess need for Migration Guide. How to get from 1.x to 3.x - or is this even possible? If not add intervening page telling them this is not possible
    • M SDK doc updates for Fabric Gateway
    • M Gossip re-architecture could be big.
    • M Tokens
    • M Doc more usage with channel management config library && Improved tooling for interactie edit and verification of config blocks
    • M Node Backup and Restore



  1. Nik added attribute based access control. When will we remove the deprecated samples? Fabcar, etc. Eventually but probably not for a while.
  2. Commercial Paper sample by paul mahoney. Is it out of date with the tutorial.
  3. SDK Node updates were bug fixes. - Check the release notes - Node SDK 2.2.5 - https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-sdk-node/blob/release-2.2/CHANGELOG.md
  4. Fabric Translation Campaign
    1. Goals: Highlight work of existing community members.
    2. video invite new people to come in to contribute
    3. reached out to members of the translation groups and working with a videographer to create a script and video available in late feb
  5. RFC for the Fabric gateway component - Andrew Coleman https://hyperledger.github.io/fabric-rfcs/text/0000-fabric-gateway.html
    1. A new component of the HL Gateways programming model
    2. Developer had to write a lot of code and understand alot of implementation details to just invoke a transx. So that was the motiviation for the HL programming model.
    3. Decision has been made that it will be implemented as a standalone gateway component
    4. Developer can now write small snippets of transactions
    5. Benefits:
      1. Maintenance: only have to maintain 1 SDK/ centralized in 1 component
      2. Single port: Alot of network ports have to be opened to allow connections, but moving all of this complexity into a single gateway you only have to make 1 gRPC connection.
    6. Implementing new SDKs to work with the new gateway
    7. we will be able to simplify things that are in the existing SDKs
    8. Gateway can be more intelligent - keeping track of the peer block height. Can simplify the end user handling so they don't have to manage
    9. New feature we are considering. offline signing
    10. Created a new component in Jira family fabgw and repository in git.
    11. making sure it is thoroughly tested writing scenario based testing with cucumber and test against a three org multi peer/multi-org network.
    12. Gateway will require its own identity. because it is effectively a client application to the peers and to make discovery requests to another peer you need a signing identity and for registering with the event listeners.
    13. How does the connection profile work now? - no longer required - just need the url of at least 1 peer. A gateway belongs to an org.  The developer of the API just needs a single endpoint to connect to.
    14. Will their peer a gateway role in the CA. No. not required. Just a client certificate is required.
    15. If you use the HL programming model, they will need to bring in alternative libs and fix up minor issues - custom commit handlers will be redundant.
    16. Timing:
      1. milestone 1: basics - hoping for end of 1Q 21
      2. MVP - -end of q2.
      3. old way and new way can coexist as the new process is introduced.
      4. this will be separate from the SDKs
      5. Doc impacts - new version of the samples that use this
  6. Key concept network topic - Joe https://hyperledger-fabric--2283.org.readthedocs.build/en/2283/network/network.html#join-components-to-the-new-channel
    1. Because you now start a network with a channel config instead of an ordering service, needed to refactor.
    2. What is the definition of network now?
    3. Started with a simpler diagram. Start with create 1 channel, a channel config with all 3 orgs.
    4. Doc is much shorter with the removal of all the system channel content.
    5. All diagrams have been updated.

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