2024 - 01 - 23
2024 - 01 - 23
Attendance: 14 members
- Introduction
- Community update
- New Co-chair proposal
- Architecture Decision Records
- Open Issues
- Q&A
- Commmunity updates
- We are rebranding
- New components will be added to OEA such as the SDK, mediator and node
- We are assessing how long it will take to create a new one. Based on that we will either create a new one or open source the current one
- The PRISM pioneer program is not running anymore. We will have blog posts and videos instead
- We aim to have more open discussions in Discord
- We plan on having a community outreach call which aims to listen to what the community wants. It could be workshops, a hackathon etc
- We introduced the new co-chair who is Esteban Garcia
- New ADR’s this week. They are in draft status at the moment
- We are open to having dedicated architect discussions. We would appreciate feedback so have a look at the decisions and let us know if it aligns with your use cases. If not, we would love some feedback on that
- Open Issues
- We have a new process as to how we deal with issues. Currently some of the issues and the components are still in the IOG repo so we follow a release process. Issues will be closed shortly
- Memory leak: It is being looked at and a process will be put in place
- Invalid URL DIDCOMM endpoint will be solved by being updated in the docs. This will be fixed rather shortly. In addition to that, the code will be fixed so that an error is immediately throw out
- Conflicting advice in documentation around agent and node. The README file will be updated to resolve this issue
- Security MD is setup for notices to go out via Hyperledger Discord channel and a process in place to report vulnerabilities
- When will the export feature be released or considered? (answered)
- What is the easiest way to submit feature requests? (not answered - will be in next session)
, multiple selections available,