2023 - 10 - 31

2023 - 10 - 31

Attendance: 15 members


  • Introduction & Participants
  • About Open Enterprise Agent
  • Governance
  • Plans for Open Enterprise Agent
  • Q&A


  • We went over introductions and gave a brief overview of the open enterprise agent
  • We then went over governance
    • Steering committee
    • Maintainers
  • Meeting will be scheduled next month to formally setup a governance structure
  • We aim to complete the transition to Hyperledger labs. We want to migrate the SDK, mediator etc to our existing lab
  • A wiki page on hyperledger infrastructure will be setupĀ 
  • We aiming to do an announcement in NovemberĀ 
  • We want to ensure that our community has a say in our future developments
  • We not sure if we want to become a project just yet


  1. What would it mean to become a Hyperledger project? (answered)
  2. Will it be one lab or will each project go under a lab? (answered)
  3. What is the roadmap, how do we manage the features etc? (answered)

