2023 - 11 - 28

2023 - 11 - 28

When: Every second Tuesday, 3PM UCT
Where: https://zoom.us/j/96708963682?pwd=Q21JUFJvNUdsaXc2UzBrRkdUdlZ5dz09
Description: Open Enterprise Agent - Contributors and Maintainers meeting

Attendance: 11 members


  • Introduction
  • Community update
  • Roadmap update
  • Release management
  • Open Issues
  • Q&A


  • Welcome to all community members
  • Community update
    • Slight delay in terms of the announcement
    • We still going ahead with the meetup on the 5th
  • Roadmap update
    • We plan on adding additional items to the  lab
    • Aim to migrate issues repos to the make it visible to everyone
    • 2.7 release is near. 
    • Authentication is needed in GitHub registry to access the node which is also public
  • Release management
    • Let’s assume any ecosystem, you will find different versions of the agent and other agents in the ecosystem. We would like them to be interoperable with other agents in the ecosystem. It quite complex but something we need to solve. We need to determine how a contract will enable backward compatibility? We would like everyone's input on this going forward
    • We like the idea of a contract but this needs to be further explored to ensure compatibility with the different releases
    • From a user perspective we would like a longer term release
    • The breaking changes are under our control. We could consider particular principles around API designs to resolve these issues. 
    • What is the contract adhering to? We cannot make it adhere to only a agent
    • We should start with the API definition and create a stubbed response and then start with the implementation
    • Improving the communication between the engineers and involving SDK engineers at the design stage should mitigate the current problem or at least minimize the number of the unpleasant surprises. It's easy to add the versioning to the OAS and keep it meaningful.
    • This version will not be the same as the Agent version
    • We need long term support for the community and communicate explicitly with the community
    • We will put together a proposal and continue this discussion again at the next maintainer and contributor call
  • ADR (architectural decision records) 
    • We agreed on the process
    • The next meeting we will highlight an ADR and see how the process works

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