2020-04-23 Iroha 2 status meeting notes



Discussion items

  • Found the root cause of bug in networking, related to the lost of some bytes. Now it is fixed.
  • Made PR with signatures validation mechanism. There is a validation for incoming transactions. Also I am working on stateful validation by copying WSV and try to apply transaction on that copy. 
  • Then I will join Egor Ivkov and help him on finishing p2p networking and Sumeragi implementation.
  • Totally occupied by the 1.2 release finalization 
  • Working on Sumeragi implementation, draft PR is posted.
  • Will continue work on Sumeragi further.
  • We will need to make Torii as a single point for all networking communication
  • After confirmation for RFC we can switch to implementation
  • Makoto> For Sumeragi it is make sense to implement the basic flow without error handling
    • On the first PR I will do only basic scenario, and then continue with improvements according to the special situations
  • Makoto> Test framework may help us a lot in describing and checking the special situations
    • Kamil> You can take a look on the Grandpa consensus implementation to make the consensus more testable.
    • I will look on it and try to follow that level of abstraction
  • Keeping an eye on the chat and PRs
  • Do not have time for exchange protocols research, will continue it later
  • Makoto> About Interchain: I talked about some people in Polkadot community, and there is a new approach proposal provided for the exchange behavior. 
  • Makoto> I think way is that we have used in D3. We should do more research here
  • Continue working on DSL design. I have created the Python file with experiments. Next week I will be able to show something.

Action items

  • Vadim Reutskiy Share the presentation about academic research team to the Iroha 2 team