2020-04-17 Iroha 2 Demonstration Meeting notes

2020-04-17 Iroha 2 Demonstration Meeting notes




  • Provide an overview of current Iroha 2 functionality
  • Define important parts of future development
  • Polish scenarios for broader audience demonstrations


Add asset scenario


Given "User" role

And "Domain" domain with default role "User"

And "Account" account in "Domain" domain

And "XOR" asset in "Domain" domain, belonging to "Account" account with initial amount 0

When client sends `AddAssetQuantity` instruction to Iroha with Asset Id ("XOR", "Domain") and Account Id ("Account", "Domain") and amount  200

Then "XOR" asset in "Domain" domain, belonging to "Account" account has amount 200

Execution script

Start add_asset test
cargo test -p iroha_client --test add_asset

Transfer asset scenario


Given "User" role

And "Domain" domain with default role "User"

And "Account1" account in "Domain" domain

And "Account2" account in "Domain" domain

And "XOR" asset in "Domain" domain, belonging to "Account1" account with initial amount 100

When client sends `TransferAsset` instruction to Iroha with Source Account Id ("Account1", "Domain") and Destination Account Id ("Account2", "Domain") and Asset Id ("XOR", "Domain") and amount 20

Then "XOR" asset in "Domain" domain, belonging to "Account2" account has amount 20

Execution script

Start transfer_asset test
cargo test -p iroha_client --test transfer_asset

Discussion items

15 minDemonstration
  • two scenarios

  • look action items

Next Scenario
  • voting?

Action items