2020 10 16 DWG Agenda
2020 10 16 DWG Agenda
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Release status: Pam/Joe: Dashboard: https://jira.hyperledger.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10104
- Channel participation API - soft launch on target for v2.3
- Ledger snapshot - doc work started - v2.3 GA
- Deployment Guide - Peer published, started orderer deployment work on-going
- Samples status - Chris
- Banner temporarily removed from older release topics.
- International languages(standing topic)
- Remind translators that if they are maintainers that after they approve a PR they can user the `doc-merge` label on a PR to merge it.
- Malayalam translation update - Annena
- Japanese translation update - Tsujita-san
- Brazilian Portuguese translation update - Renato
- French Translation update - Oumar
- Spanish translations update - Maria
- Russian Language update - Arseny
- Tamil Translation - Ravi
- Remind translators that if they are maintainers that after they approve a PR they can user the `doc-merge` label on a PR to merge it.
- Promoting translated docs and translation groups
- French and Malayalam versions of Hyperledger home page are now live
- All home page translations should work on the 'Resources in your language' section to link to translated docs, translations work groups and any other resources available in that language
- Discussion of next steps with a contribution campaign
- Ledger snapshot
- Channel Participation API Doc Strategy
- Orderer deployment guide
- Getting Started
- Internationalization
- Renato: continued progress. Still working alone and could use help. David can potentially broadcast the need.
- Claudio:next week Spanish wg meetup, adding more people from Madras meetup.
- David Boswell: more visible we can become around translations
- If we want to be a little more structured - Resources in your language good place to add a link to your languages https://fr.hyperledger.org/
- German coming soon
- Contribution campaign planned for January/February timeline - video or some other assets - need content to be ready early next year
- Ledger snapshot
- Google doc started
- Operations guide instead of a tutorial
- Not really appropriate for test network - due to interactions between different organizations.
- Take a snapshot of all the blocks, hash, transmit out of band,
- orgs can compare their state db's to see if any fork or corruptions
- other org can point to snapshot.
- Google doc started
- Channel participation API - way to create a channel without a system channel
- Orderer deployment guide
- New planning topic - similar to peer
- This process describes the process for using a system channel. Update after 2.3 GA when channel participation API is available
- We need will need to add a production profile in configtx.yaml
- sizing - nodes are on multiple channels, will be having ledgers on every channel - alot of blocks
- Cluster considerations - how many nodes are practical to have on a particular ordering service? Increased message traffic as # channels grow.
- Checklist
- Again similar to peer and CA deployment guides we will highlight the most important settings for a production env
- Currently in the process of scoping the list of settings to highlight.
- Chris demo
- Troubleshooting topics will be included
- New planning topic - similar to peer
- Getting started
- Rob perspective: I like to look at code to understand what is going on. so I need to be able to see the code too. So that's why I've included everything here.
- Pam: don't want it make it hard for existing users to find the cURL command
- Jim: different types of users - some people just want a demo model (to try out tutorials or samples), kick something up quickly. vs. I am new developer.
Quarterly reports
Upcoming reports
, multiple selections available,