2020 10 02 DWG Agenda

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Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct




Eastern hemisphere call

  1. <minutes>

Western hemisphere call

  1. Banner has now been  added to top of all not latest documentation (except 1.3 and 1.2, still WIP), BUT this causes issues with the ability to update previous releases of the documentation. Brett is investigating an alternative way of doing this through Sphinx.
  2. Leger snapshot update - Joe
    1. series of new apis that make it easier to manage and use snapshots to onboard new peers from scratch
    2. limitations - can't query old keys
    3. makes it easier to onboard new members
  3. Samples update - Chris is currently testing
    1. Accout-based Token sample 
    2. UTXO based token sample
    3. Added fungible token sample (ERC20) - planning to merge  with UTXO sample
    4. Token PR links:
      1. https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/pull/319https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/pull/318
      2. https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/pull/319
      3. https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-samples/pull/327
    5. Nik - Working to get rid of the private data readme and incorporate into Fabric docs - after this we should be done with the updates to Fabric samples.
  4. Internationalization
    1. Claudio -  (Spanish translation)- Hosted HLF course this week  with1 extra workshop for translation collaboration and even got some extra volunteers.
      1. Issue: English version is getting out of sync with translation - need a bot to check for new files/new update.
      2. We need a good way to let language know when there are new files or updates to existing files in the English repository.
      3. Claudio to investigate and report back next week.
    2. Welcome back to Renato!
  5. Orderer deployment workgroup starting up Thursdays at 2pm EST - will post a calendar invite
    1. Audit of existing documentation includes information about orderer in
      1. Key Concepts - there is mention of support for SOLO in here. Should this finally be deprecated/removed?
      2. Operations Guide
        1. Setting up an ordering node - this doc serves as a good basis but should ultimately be removed when deployment guide is live.
        2. Configuring and operating a Raft ordering service
          1. Need to decide on the scope of the deployment topic, will it include adding additional ordering nodes to the ordering service?
          2. Joe - Perhaps that could be its own separate tutorial
        3. Nik - would like to know more about how to understand the health of an ordering node after it is deployed.
  6. New Fabrics Prereqs doc proposal (coming next week)
    1. Claudio - his experience has been that users struggle with Docker - there are too many Docker options and users need guidance on which one to use. They need more guidance around containers in general
    2. Jim - Github provides a HelloWorld level tutorial. Could we provide a link to a HelloWorld level tutorial on Docker? Even with Minifab network, Docker has been an issue.
    3. Chris - For anyone who wants to learn Docker from a great teacher https://www.bretfisher.com/
  7. Nik offered to share the work he has done with the Auction sample on an upcoming call.

Video of this week's session at: Recordings

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