2019 11 14 TSC Agenda
2019 11 14 TSC Agenda
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
- Community Calendar Re-org (Huseby)
If you are a maintainer of a project or a chairperson/vice-chairperson of a SIG/WG...Please email dhuseby@linuxfoundation.org ASAPSUBJECT: <Project/WG/SIG Name> Mod mePlease email me from the account you use for lists.hyperledger.org OR include that email address in the body of the email.
- The following groups do not have a moderator volunteer:
Avalon- Caliper
CelloComposer- Explorer
FabricIrohaPerformance and Scalability WGQuilt- Sawtooth
- Smart Contracts WG
- The following groups have HL staff moderators but should have a community moderator volunteer:
- Grid
- Public Sector SIG
- Social Impact SIG
- Supply Chain SIG
- Telecom SIG
- Look at the existing Hyperledger Community Calendar and note which events are for your project/SIG/WG.
- Create calendar events in the correct calendar for your project/SIG/WG on https://lists.hyperledger.org
- How to schedule a meeting: schedule_a_meeting.mp4
- How to delete a meeting: delete_a_meeting.mp4
- Subscribe to the new community: https://lists.hyperledger.org/ics/1902217/3131022486068381536/feed.ics
- Verify that your project/SIG/WG events are present in the community calendar
- Please email dhuseby@linuxfoundation.org
- SUBJECT: <Project/WG/SIG Name> Calendar Migration Complete
- Please email dhuseby@linuxfoundation.org
Quarterly reports
- 2019 Q4 Hyperledger Performance and Scalability WG
- 2019 Q4 Hyperledger Transact
- 2019 Q4 Hyperledger Cello
Upcoming reports
- Working Group Task Force proposals:
- TSC Election voters selection
- Last election process: git commit crawler from Tracy, nominations from SIGs and WGs, and self-nominations by Google form.
- Besu: ready for active status?
Outstanding Decisions
, multiple selections available,