2019 08 15 TSC Minutes
2019 08 15 TSC Minutes
(7:00am - 8:00am PT)
via Zoom
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
TSC Members
- Arnaud Le Hors
- Baohua Yang
- Binh Nguyen
- Christopher Ferris
- Dan Middleton
- Hart Montgomery
- Kelly Olson
- Mark Wagner
- Mic Bowman
- Nathan George
- Silas Davis
Chat: chat.hyperledger.org ( use your LFID to login )
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Public lists: lists.hyperledger.org
Meetings: wiki.hyperledger.org/community/calendar-public-meetings
- Maintainer Summit October 8-10, 2019 Minneapolis, MN, USA
- It's an experiment to see what works well for getting the core maintainers together to address HL-wide development issues.
- DevCon is the same time as this summit but it's a reasonable trade off.
- The space has room for about 40 people. The maintainers list is about 50 people.
- Russia Bootcamp in Moscow Oct 14, 15 2019 (get your Visas Now!)
- Co-planning with the team in Russia.
- There's a new checklist under planning docs for the bootcamp in a box initiative that covers all of the logistics of setting up and running a regional bootcamp.
Items of discussion
- Wiki structure discussion
- Visibility of what's happening on the wiki is not as good as it could be.
- Is there a way to publish the most interesting thing that is coming up in a more visible way?
- Subscribing to entire spaces is the best way to watch what is going on in whole areas of the wiki.
- Project Pipeline direction
- Discuss trade-offs in convergence and expansion
- What set of guidelines do we have for how many projects we want to bring in and when do we retire some
- The charter calls out for a DLT and not a whole bunch of them.
- A good approach may be that the TSC does a gap analysis and strives to have projects to cover all of the different different areas of technology.
- Our efforts on convergence haven't been as successful as we had hoped.
- Are we going to limit each area of technology to a single implementation?
- If we only take whomever was first then we could have problems of taking the wrong project just because they were first.
- Project Lifecycle Task Force
Quarterly updates
- 2019 Q3 Hyperledger Quilt
- Ripple is increasing investment into interledger java more broadly and the desire is to do that work within the Quilt project.
- The primary focus is on interledger and the reboot is not broadening the scope of Quilt.
- There's hope that other projects will look into integrating with Quilt as well.
- Are there any revisions to the ILP protocol or is finalized?
- ILPv4 is solid with no changes coming. The higher level protocols defined by the interledger community are still a little in flux.
- 2019 Q3 Hyperledger Cello
- Meeting Friday night Beijing time and routinely have 10 or more participants.
- Lots of improvements going in and the community is growing in China.
- Cello needs to be CII compliant.
- Had a speaker in talking about Fast Fabric
- Had another speaker talking about Accelerator
- There's a lot of work going on in the community focused on improving performance of DLTs
- Vipin wrote a great paper on provenance
- Nick from IBM has done some work testing for bottlenecks in Fabric using Caliper to look at CPU/memory utilization instead of TPS type of stats
- Looking at how to integrate Confluence with Caliper output so that we could publish Caliper test results more easily
Upcoming items
- Grid
- Transact
- China TWG
- Github/Jira/Confluence integration to enable Open Planning and Ambassador program (Silona - TBD)
- Working Group Structure (Mic Bowman - Date TBD)
- Project Lifecycle Committee Report (Arnaud J LE HORS - Date TBD)
- Project Pipeline Direction
- Centralized decision record
- Gardener
, multiple selections available,