2019 05 23 TSC Minutes

(7:00am - 8:00am PT)

via Zoom

Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct

TSC Members


  • Arnaud Le Hors
  • Baohua Yang
  • Binh Nguyen
  • Christopher Ferris
  • Dan Middleton
  • Hart Montgomery
  • Kelly Olson
  • Mark Wagner
  • Mic Bowman
  • Nathan George
  • Silas Davis



  • CI/CD home page. (Huseby)
    • The whole section is now public.
    • We're trying to solve docker-in-docker.
    • Meetings are Friday mornings.
  • July 8-11 we'll be holding full day meetings to develop the fabric dev certification, in person (Ry)
    • Not providing for travel or hotel but we are going to feed you
    • Looking for SME's to help with developing the curriculum for Fabric.
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil Bootcamp is coming up June 24-25, 2019.
    • Looking for people who can show up and get new contributors on board.
    • Nathan George has been to two of them and can tell you about them.
    • Looking for Portuguese and/or English speakers to help with translation.
    • Hong Kong was a lot about translation as well as getting people familiar with the tools.

Items of discussion

  • Project lifecycle committee (Ry, Arnaud, Mic)
    • Looking for volunteers to discuss EoL issues
    • Also to look into the vocabulary used to classify the different HL projects.
    • Output is a recommendation for the TSC to address these issues.
    • The original lifecycle was originally influenced by Arnaud's experience in open source.
    • Mic also has some thoughts on the re-org of projects.
    • Mark: should this group look at the re-org stuff (project vs sub-project)?
    • Mic: at some point that discussion will need to be rolled into one of these larger discussions.
    • Arnaud: maybe we don't want to get distracted by that but there are other issues that need to be looked at as well that such as moving in and out of incubation that should probably be addressed first.
    • Ry: the lifecycle of sub-projects is easier to define since they are governed by the maintainers of the parent projects which makes the re-org related to the lifecycle piece.
    • Arnaud: I think dealing with everything at once is not the way to go. Let's sequence them.
    • Dan: maybe also consider scope for new projects coming in to distinguish projects from sub-projects.
  • GIT:DID work at IIW (Huseby)
    • Decentralized identity people are talking about DIDs in the Indy project and other places.
    • Presented some work I've been working on for a year to try to solve our DCO problem of code provenance.
    • Richard Esplin forced me to make it public when he proposed a mentorship focused on git commit signing with DIDs
    • The idea got a lot of traction and have multiple contributors.
    • The DID method spec has already been accepted into the W3C method spec registry.
    • Has to potential impact all software development, not just Hyperledger.
    • The did:git method is a way to normalize storing identity documents in code repos and anchoring identity to project source repos.
    • The plan is to ensure that we have 100% signed commits for all of our code and eliminate our DCO problem for good.
  • Convector taskforce (Ry)
    • A new lab we accepted not long ago.
    • An interesting smart contract platform.
    • Would like to see what it would take to bring it in as a project.
    • Should this be part of composer or a replacement for composer.
    • If you want to help analyze it, contact Ry.
    • Mic: is there more documentation on it in the labs repo?
    • Ry: not sure, need to take a look, but probably yes.

Quarterly updates

  • Hyperledger Performance and Scalability WG Quarterly Update
    • Postponed due to needing more time for feedback.
  • 2019 Q2 Hyperledger Burrow
    • Dan: one of the new features is that state is stored in a mutable "forest", can you explain that?
    • Silas:
      • the mutable forest is the top level object that is a version of a merkel tree that arranges groups of trees into a hierarchy of trees. Useful for separate parts of the state.
      • write the state into a mutable forest first and then it gets saved as an immutable forest.
      • allows for querying of part of the state.
      • crash resistent.
      • supports merkel tree proofs as a consequence of the state mechanism.
    • Kelly:
      • Burrow has been ethereum-esque project in HL, does the project intend to stay sync'd with the ethereum project's direction?
    • Silas:
      • Followed Ethereum 2 work and it is moving quite slowly.
      • Team members working on WASM stuff and will try to support any standards that make sense for them.
      • Going to keep going with side-chain features as a general direction.
    • Sean:
      • Updating testing to solidity 0.5 to keep track of the solidity implementation.
    • Silas:
      • Ethereum 2 work is mostly around a new execution environment based on a subset of wasm.
    • Brian:
      • likes the idea of a solidity compiler that compiles to ewasm for broader interop that might be appealing to the ethereum community and could be a good way to reach out to them.
    • Silas:
      • Working on Solang that is an LLVM backed solidity to wasm compiler.
      • Currently a HL lab.
    • Dan:
      • Sounds like a great way to bring in some of the ethereum community.
    • Silas:
      • working on being able to call dynamically deployed wasm from solidity contracts.
    • Dan:
      • listed tools and documentation as hightlights, anything else?
    • Sean:
      • Don't have a web3 interface yet.
    • Silas:
      • Have an internship proposal for building a web3 interface.
  • 2019 Q2 Hyperledger Cello
    • Dan: What about accessibility?
    • Tong:
      • We use a framework that supports accessibility solutions but we haven't fully tested that.
      • Certainly will be something to pay attention to after 1.0.
    • Mark:
      • Is there a way to pull some of the accessibility guidelines so that we have consistent accessibility across all projects?
    • Dan:
      • That would be a great way for people with experience in this area to have an impact on HL by developing some best practices and guidelines.
    • Tong:
      • How do other projects address this issue and how many projects have this issue?
    • Dan:
      • Explorer is another project with a strong user interface focus.
      • Any web interface should have accessibility considerations.
    • Tong:
      • The past quarter added support for 1.4 support for RAFT using the ansible agent.
      • Added capability to use cello to set up just peers or just set up ordering system or both.
      • Added support to enable Fabric matrix.
      • Formally defined the process for how an existing org can join a Fabric network. Cello can generate artifacts that can be sent to existing Fabric admins for joining the network.
      • Started work to improve the user dashboard to make it easier to use and more dynamic.
  •  2019 Q2 Hyperledger Explorer
    • Nick:
      • The project just released v0.3.9.1.
      • Working on graduating from incubation.
      • We have 2.5 people working on it.
      • Redesigned explorer to use a discovery service.
      • Working on updating test cases and bug fixes.
      • Adding support for Fabric 1.4 features.
    • Dan:
      • The charter for Explorer sought to support all of the other HL projects so please keep an eye towards recruiting others to help support the other platforms.
      • Not a lot of contributions coming in because people are focused on their own talks.
    • Dave:
      • There was a security vulnerability with one of the dependencies of Explorer that I filed a JIRA bug for.
      • Just wondering who would address the security issues with Explorer.
  • 2019 Q2 Technical Working Group China
    • Baohua:
      • The working group is going as plan.
      • Regular bi-weekly meeting with rotating times to be more timezone friendly to everybody.
      • Most meetings have more than 10 people attending.
      • Contributors are not only interested in Fabric but also Indy and Ursa.
      • Translation for Fabric 1.4 and 2.0 documentation is well under way.
      • Settled on TransFX platform for handling translation.
      • Meetups all over China are running.
      • One new core maintainer: Yang Cheng
      • Two major issues:
        • Using the TransFX platform however there is no replacement in the open source community. Looking for suggestions from the TSC on how to better integrate the translations into the community tools. The translations are in the HL labs
    • Tracy
      • Is the question how to bring the output into the official documentation?
    • Baohua:
      • Yes. We'd like to integrate TransFX with read the docs directly if we can.
      • We are not sure that TransFX is the right place to hold the translations because the output is out of the control of the HL community.
    • Ry:
      • Two issues, 1) how do you collaborate and 2) how do you publish the results?
    • Baohua:
      • That's correct.
      • Proposal for attracting more people to the meetups and the project. It would be good to have volunteers from other projects and working groups to join the TWGC meetings to do introductions and to be present.
    • Dan:
      • Is it required that the person speak Chinese?
    • Baohua:
      • No, English is fine. The greatest challenge is the meeting time being bad for people not in China.
    • Vipin:
      • On May 30th at 1am UTC we're having the identity working group meeting and I can show up to the TWGC and talk about the identity working group.

Upcoming items



  • Concept of Subprojects and EOL for Projects (???)
  • Project Readiness Rough Draft  is up - Please read and comment.  We will discuss next week (Dave Huseby)
  • Overall Engagement in Projects (Mark Wagner, Ry Jones, mid-April)
  • Github/Jira/Confluence integration to enable Open Planning and Ambassador program (Silona - May 30th)
  • Update from Community Health Committee (Ry Jones- TBD)
  • CI/CD report (Dave Huseby - end of June)
