


  1. What is your preferred community platform?
    1. None, but RocketChat is not well-liked
  2. Where do you do the majority of your communication for work/hobby/education?
    1. Slack, Teams
  3. How many different platforms do you use to communicate with DLT communities? 
    1. Slack, Teams, RocketChat


  1. Do you need to log-in to access the community you want? (Does a LFID hinder you from using the Hyperledger chat platform?)
    1. LFID is a hindrance in that it is difficult to get non-engineers to join (may be true of any platform). Sometimes the RocketChat client is buggy and engineers can't get logged in.
  2. Do you prefer to share your info (for follow-up, email support, more) or remain anonymous? 
    1. Share the same level we already do when accessing GitHub (email, name, company affiliation)
  3. Would another authentication format entice you over the Linux Foundation ID?
    1. Probably not, although we've had success using GitHub Issues instead of JIRA as it doesn't require another login for engineers, so maybe.
  4. What information about yourself are you comfortable sharing? What information about yourself are you NOT comfortable sharing? 
    1. Ok sharing name, email, company affiliation (this information is already public in the git commit history)
    2. Not comfortable requiring sharing any other information


  1. Why do you log on to the Hyperledger community platform?
    1. To make release annoucements
    2. Community support
  2. What functionality (or level of engagement) would make you log on more to the platform? 
    1. Requirement for real names attached to users
    2. More community engagement
  3. Do you ever browse the chat channels other than your primary channel? If not, what is stopping you from doing so? 
    1. Rarely. Low level of cross-project collaboration makes browsing other channels uninteresting. Plus it is difficult in RocketChat.
  4. Do you collaborate outside of Hyperledger chat platforms to accomplish your DLT or project work?
    1. Yes, private chat among maintainers and Zoom calls


  1. Where are you located?
    1. Minneapolis, MN (majority of maintainers)
    2. Non-engineers are spread across the US and Europe primarily
  2. What community platforms that others may use are NOT supported in your geo or language?
    1. None, although corporate restrictions and access to chat platforms is and will continue to be a challenge