Template for White Paper Use cases

Template for White Paper Use cases




4.*.* Description of Environment (brief)

4.*.* Use Case



Primary Actor<

Supporting Actors<

Stakeholders and Interests


Post Conditions

Success condition

Failure  condition:

Minimal Guarantee


Main Success Scenario





Special Requirements



4.*.* Recommendations

  • Identity, Interactions, Regulations and Governance


Use Case: Name <Enter Use Case name here>

The use case should be labeled so that it immediately describes the purpose of the use case. Usually, VERB/NOUN is sufficient. 

Description<Enter description here>

Briefly describe this use case:  

 High Level Summary

Low level Summary

Primary Actor<List the Primary actor here>

List the Actor who’s goal is being satisfied by this Use Case and has the primary interest in the outcome of this Use Case. Identify who the main individuals and systems involved in the use case are going to be. Any actor that is used in the use case’s flow of events must be named up front.

Supporting Actors<List supporting actors here>

<List the Actors who have a supporting role in helping the Primary Actor achieve his or her goal.

Stakeholders and Interests

<List Stakeholders and their interests here>

<List the various entities who may not directly interact with the system but they may have an interest in the outcome of the use case. Identifying stakeholders and interests often helps in discovering hidden requirements which are not readily apparent or mentioned directly by the users during discussions.


<List Pre-Conditions here>

< List the system state/conditions which must be true before this Use Case can be executed.

Post Conditions

Success condition

<List success condition here>

<Enter the successful  condition of the Use Case where the Primary Actor’s goal is satisfied.


Failure  condition:

<List failure  condition here>

< Enter the failure condition of the Use Case if the Primary Actor’s goal has not been achieved.

Minimal Guarantee

<List minimal guarantee here>

< The guarantee or assurance that this Use Case provides to all Actors and Stakeholders to protect their interest regardless of whether the Use Case ends with success or failure.


<List Use Case trigger here>

<The event that starts this Use Case.

Main Success Scenario

  1. <Enter steps here>
  2. <Enter steps here>
  3. <Enter steps here>

<Enter the Main flow of events. i.e. The steps narrating/illustrating the interaction between Actors and the System. Describe Actor’s actions/stimuli and how the system responds to those stimuli. Describe the ‘happy path/day’ scenario, meaning the straight and simple path where everything goes ‘right’ and enables the primary actor to accomplish his or her goal. Main flow/path should always end with a success end condition.>


<Enter Extensions and their steps here>

<Enter any extensions here. Extensions are branches from the main flow to handle special conditions. They also known as Alternate flows or Exception flows. For each extension reference the branching step number of the Main flow and the condition which must be true in order for this extension to be executed. 


<Enter variations here>

<Enter any data entry or technology variations such as – different methods of data input, screen/module invocation, etc.


Frequency:  <Enter Frequency of execution here>

< How often will this Use Case be executed. This information is primarily useful for designers.


<Enter any assumptions, if any, that have been made while writing this Use Case.

Special Requirements

<Enter any special requirements such as  Performance requirements, Security requirements, User interface requirements.Examples::


User Interface



<List any issues related to the definition of the use case.
