Public Sector SIG

Learning Materials Group site link 

Join our group mailing list here to receive meeting notices and recordings

Meeting Information              See charter for more details. 

Meeting schedule: Biweekly, Fridays at 10 am EDT, 2 PM UK time. See the Calendar of Public Meetings for the next meeting time.Meetings  

Meeting Zoom Link 

Meeting Link Details

DescriptionHyperledger Public Sector Special Interest Group (public-sector-SIG) is a Special Interest group focused on applying distributed ledger technology in general, and Hyperledger technologies in particular, to the public sector (e.g., government and government-related) uses and needs.

Meetings >> Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap :

  US: +16465588656,,4034983298#  or +16699006833,,4034983298# 

Or Telephone:

  Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 
      US: +1 646 558 8656  or +1 669 900 6833  or +1 855 880 1246 (Toll Free) or +1 877 369 0926 (Toll Free)
  Meeting ID: 403 498 3298
  International numbers available:

Hyperledger Public Sector SIG Discord channel for chats. ( you need to join the Discord server as a member to chat )

Upcoming Meetings:

Fridays, 10 am EDT

Announcement >> new group >> Linux Foundation Decentralized Trust

Linux Foundation Decentralized Trust -- this will be a home for the open development of a broad range of ledger, identity, security, interoperability, scale, implementation, and related technologies.

This will  host new open source software, communities, standards, and specifications that are critical to the macro shift toward decentralized systems of distributed trust.

All Hyperledger projects and labs will continue to be supported by Linux Foundation staff and we will continue to offer the same services and tools to the people working on those projects and labs.

More details about the plans for Linux Foundation Decentralized Trust is at:

Daniela Barbosa, General Manager, Blockchain and Identity, the Linux Foundation

“After eight years of advancing the development of blockchain, decentralized identity and related technologies via the Hyperledger community, the time has come to broaden our effort and impact,” said Daniela Barbosa, General Manager, Blockchain and Identity, the Linux Foundation. “Ledgers and ledger technologies are but one component of the decentralized systems that will underpin a digital-first global economy. LF Decentralized Trust is where we will gather and grow an expanded community and portfolio of technologies to deliver the transparency, reliability, security and efficiency needed to successfully upgrade critical systems around the world.”

Jim Mason on Decentralized Trust

DLT and the related software and solutions are a key foundation for the larger need of challenge of trust. Broadening the focus to incorporate more domains and capabilities to deliver trust makes sense.

For the Public Sector SIG, an expanded focus on all areas of trust is critical going forward

Past Meetings

June 14 2024 - Trusted Enterprise AI & ML - Mohan Venkataraman

Youtube video replay of the session

TYS-Trusted Enterprise AI & ML - Mohan Venkataraman-Hyperledger-Meetup 04142024.pdf

Link to Mohan's Linkedin article 

May 17, 2024 10 AM ET - INATBA Overview with Morgane Stein

Morgane Stein - INATBA Overview > Hyperledger youtube meeting recording:  

INATBA Overview Slide deck pdf:   


Morgane Stein, Head of Industry Partnerships, Events & Membership Recruitment, presents an overview of INATBA - the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications. Come join us to find out how INATBA helps educate and expand DLT use in Europe and the World 

1. INATBA introduction (Mission / Key pillars)
2. INATBA Overall structure & main activities
3. Community: Industry members, Government & Academic Advisory bodies
4. Working groups & Taskforces
5. Tools & main activities
6. Joining us benefits and process
7. Questions

Meeting Zoom link >>



Launched in 2019 with the support of the European Commission, INATBA – International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications, is a highly influential Association in advocating for Blockchain and DLT adoption in Europe and globally.
INATBA offers public and private developers and users of DLT a global forum to interact with regulators and policymakers and bring blockchain technology to the next stage.

INATBA is mainly known for its credibility with regulatory authorities and policymakers and is appraised for its contributions to Markets in Crypto Asset Regulation (MICA), Transfer of Funds Regulation (TFOR), electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services (eIDAS), CHAISE Project, EU Pact for Skills, Academic & Governmental Advisory Bodies, and its passionate diverse global community of CEOs, CTOs, Heads of Policy, Public/Institutional Relations, Legal, Marketing, BizDev, Developers and Policymakers. To learn more, visit

Morgane Stein - Head of Industry Partnerships, Events & Membership Recruitment

Morgane is an experienced international Project Manager & Growth Specialist currently acting as Head of Industry Partnerships, Events & Membership Recruitment at INATBA.
After graduating from ESC Rennes School of Business with a MSc in Sustainable Management and Eco-Innovation, under a partnership programme with EME - Environmental Engineering School; she developed a particular interest in fast-growing markets/ tech-oriented / disruptive and ethical business models, while monitoring global market developments related to the boom of e-commerce.
Curious about technological innovation, she curated a number of high level events throughout the globe, covering a range of topics in relation to finance and digital payments, before focusing exclusively on driving the blockchain ecosystem forward, working at the intersection of regulation & innovation.

April 26, 2024 - Open Discussion on UN SDGs, trust and blockchain value - Jim Mason

Meeting Zoom Link

This session is intended to be a forum to get thoughts on some of the UN SDGs and their relationship to trust and blockchain. I'll provide a quick summary of a few SDGs, some basic trust concepts and open the floor for discussion.

Online | Friday, April 26th at 10 AM EDT / 14:00 UTC

pssig-jim-mason-notice-un-sdgs-blockchain-value.pdf. slide deck

Recordings - 2023  - meeting history with download files

Dec 29,. 2023 - 2024 Planning discussion on Key Topics - Jim Mason, Saptarshi Choudhury

Discussed Farm to Plate concepts on 

  • Food Safety
  • Sustainable Food Supply Chain
  • Food Traceability
  • Relationship to key Technologies: DLT, AI, IoT, Events
  • Presentation in March / April timeframe

Covered other Categories for Sessions for 2024 

Nov 3, 2023 - Informal discussion on Biden Responsible AI Executive Order - Jim Mason

There is a lot to digest. This is NOT a presentation but an open discussion around the order and Responsible AI.

The goal is to define specific areas of research to focus on for follow up sessions on the concepts, candidate policies, actions the agencies and other organizations are taking to deliver on the goals for Responsible AI.

Like the White House Executive Order on Digital Assets in 2022, this Executive Order instructs US Government agencies to take specific actions to define how Responsible AI should be implamented. The Executive Order provides guidance on Responsible AI principles, policies and guidelines that should be created.

More details on the executive order are here:

We'll summarize meeting notes and post here to our 2023 recordings page

Oct 20, 2023 - SSI Self Sovereign Identity Use Case Discussion - Jim Mason


Discussed concepts, strategies for using Self Sovereign Identity and Verifiable Credentials

Reviewed State of Rhode Island project 

Reviewed potential use cases going forward for governments implementing SSI solutions

Discussed a Brazilian university use cases for SSI

SSI concepts covered:


SSI use cases covered:

UC1 - Not all residents have access to digital equipment for digital services
UC2 - residents with digital access may lose their access ( eg lost phone )
UC3 - Residents need free, reliable digital vaults for backup of digital wallets, ids, credentials
UC4 - Residents need full recovery capabilities to securely restore access to their digital wallets, vaults
UC5 - A state has many applications for residents usually accessible through a user id and password today, a digital ID should provide the same access

Resources referenced:

June 9, 2023 - ESG and Blockchain - Mohan Venkataraman 

presentation slide deck download link

May 5, 2023 - Public Sector 2023 Schedule Discussion - Jim Mason

we'll discuss current topics in focus this for the Public Sector Group

Key areas in scope include:

  1. AI Governance and Blockchain
  2. ESG and Blockchain - Mohan Venkataraman
  3. UN SDGs - what are they? can they be implemented? how?
  4. UN Climate Reports and Blockchain ( Climate, Water, Forests, Population )
  5. Blockchain Interoperability
  6. Financial System Problems, Governance and Blockchain
  7. Asset Tokenization and Digital Asset Regulations
  8. Payment Systems and Blockchain: Swift, RLN, Citi , CBDC and more
  9. Food Supply Chain and Sustainability
  10. Privacy, Security, Economies and Crime

How to Build Web-Based Distributed Applications (DApps) on Hyperledger Fabric - Feb 27, 2023

Jim Sullivan from The Blockchain Academy leads an online workshop about using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and NodeJS to build web-based distributed applications (DApps) on Hyperledger Fabric. Use your Solidity skills and the EVM tools to develop robust DApps on Hyperledger Fabric.

Prerequisites: Basic Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabic, and EVM knowledge.

Monday, February 27, 2023 at 11:00 AM to Monday, February 27, 2023 at 12:30 PM EST

Add to calendar

Online event

Linux Foundation Public Health - Jim St Clair - Friday Oct 21, 10 am EDT

Linux Foundation Public Health ( LPFH ) is fostering the world's largest collaborative environment for open source public health. It builds, promotes, and sustains open source software to improve global health innovation.

Find out how open source software and Hyperledger are adding value in the Public Health arena. Jim St Clair is the Executive Director of Linux Foundation Public Health project.  With expertise in both public health solutions and Hyperledger, Jim leads the team on finding opportunities for open source solutions. Don’t miss this meeting to find out what they’ve done and where they are focused now

Jim St.Clair

Jim is the Executive Director of the Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH which promotes and curates open source software to help public health authorities (PHAs) and other healthcare organizations with an  open source digital health ecosystem. Jim is also contributing to several ISO, HL7 and IEEE Working Groups to develop new standards for decentralized identity, patient data and distributed ledger systems. Jim is a veteran and former naval officer, having served in both active and reserve capacity. 

Past Meetings:

Recordings Page

Recordings - 2022

Meeting:   Friday, 9/23, 10 am EDT

Hyperledger Firefly v1.1 for Web3, Blockchain apps

Nicko Guyer - Senior Full Stack Engineer - Kaleido

  • simplify public and enterprise blockchain development
  • connect across public chains
  • complete stack to build, scale Web3 applications
  • Build apps with Java, Node.js, GO
  • create smart contracts with smart contract languages
  • Works with Ethereum, Fabric, Corda and other chains
  • Open source and Enterprise versions

For faster Web3 and Blockchain development - come see Firefly v1.1 !

Friday, 10 am EDT, August 12th

Digital Asset & CBDC Legislation Trends - Jim Mason

Many countries and states are looking at options to regulate digital assets and CBDC ( Central Bank Digital Currencies ). In some cases, digital asset legislation is now law. Digital asset legislation may include: CBDC, cryptocurrencies, stable coins, NFTs ( Non-fungible tokens ) and other forms of digital assets as well as the exchanges, marketplaces, custodians and service providers where they are sold and traded. These bills and laws can have a major impact on how these digital assets are used, valued and traded now and in the future for investments, commerce and payments.

For each category of digital assets, we'll: define the asset type, use cases, privacy and key related legislation sections

Some of the legislation we'll cover includes: 

  • MICA - the Markets in Crypto Assets proposal passed by the European Parliament
  • The State of Wyoming Digital Assets Legislation in force since 2019
  • The US Executive Action on Responsible Development of Digital Assets ( March 9, 2022 )
  • the US Lummis-Gillibrand Digital Assets Bill

Don't miss this session. Bring your questions and ideas.

Discussion - US CBDC and Project Lithium for security settlement

May 6, 2022 - 10 am EDT

Jim Mason

Initial discussion on US CBDC follow up from the US Executive Order ( March 2022 )

and Project Lithium looking at use of CBDC for securities settlement

Public Sector Group Meeting Recordings

Recordings - 2022

Recordings - 2021

Older Meeting Recordings

Public Sector Group Overview


Jim Mason, Blockchain Practice Leader, Sky Web Team & Paramount Software Solutions,

Hyperledger Point of Contact: Tomaz Sedej , Ecosystem Manager, Hyperledger,

Past Leadership

Dr. Hanna C. Norberg, Founder & CEO, TradeEconomista,

Saptarshi Choudhury, Director Emerging Technologies, Paramount Software Solutions,

Please JOIN the mailing list here.

Hyperledger Apprentice Program - Apply Here by May 6th

Information about the Mentorship program here

Hyperledger Mentorship Program

Information on how to apply here

Full time is 3 months,  Part time is 6 months

How to Apply

Charter and FAQ


The activities of the Public-SIG include:

  • identifying related use cases, current pilots, and proofs of concept;

  • sharing stories of successes, failures, opportunities, and challenges;

  • exploring cross-cutting concerns like security, privacy, and identity in government contexts;

  • identifying existing or needed common critical software components that would serve the particular needs of the public sector;

  • identifying conferences or other opportunities to connect face to face, as well as submit talks or present as a group at an event.

This activity will be automatically recorded in email archives when conducted over the mailing list. When this activity is conducted in other media, it will be captured as notes or other formats and posted to the list (so it is archived), or possibly to the Hyperledger Wiki. This activity might also be turned into reports from the Special Interest group (recommendations to the rest of Hyperledger, for example) or other kinds of content (blog posts, content for publications, etc).

The Public Sector SIG is prohibited from performing or engaging in any form of lobbying or attempts to influence government policy-making or regulatory processes. It is also not intended as a platform for procurement of services.

Work Products

The initial work product will be a set of documents which analyze the space of government and regulatory use cases for blockchain technology. This will be an inventory of example use cases which captures common government processes, which may suggest applications that are built or could be built using software being developed at Hyperledger. The public-sector-sig may also host in-person meetings intended to accelerate the Special Interest Group's mission.

Communication Tools

Presentations and other resources:

EuropeEU Blockchain Observatory and Forum/ Reports

NetherlandsThe Legal Aspects of Blockchain UNOPS

Drummond Reed  / Sovrin FoundationSelf Sovereign Identity 
Metropolis / UCLG (United Cities and Local GovernmentBlockchain - A tool for Metropolitan Governance

CERTH - The Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas

Applications in Blockchain

Agency for Digital ItalyTransforming Digital Government

General Hyperledger Presentation:
  • Overview of Tool and Frameworks
  • Guide to Getting Involved

The Legal Aspects of BlockchainTopics include a general overview for policymakers on what is blockchain.

Blockchain Case Study - Smart Dubai

Paperless City

Blockchain Industrial Alliance (Platform Dev)Lessons from Blockchain adoption in the public sector of Uzbekistan. Based on the case studies Kindergarten Admissions & Education Certificates

Blockchain Industrial Alliance (Platform Dev)Blockchain platform for the Public Sector of Uzbekistan: overview, questions and discussions.
EnerBlock LLCBlockchain enabled Virtual Power Plant for Distributed Energy Resources

Use Case Inventory

Dr. Hanna C. Norberg Founder & CEO, Trade Economista
Unblocking the Bottlenecks and Making the Global Supply Chain Transparent: How blockchain technology can update global trade

DIGITAL TRUST project, British Columbia, CanadaDIGITAL TRUST project presentation

Verifiable Organizations Network, British Columbia and Ontario, Canada

Verifiable Organizations Network (VON) started by the governments of British Columbia, Ontario, and Canada

TheOrgBook introductory slides   Quick links   What's on the Ledger?

List of Blockchain Projects in International Development
Blockchain in Government Tracker- Database


Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy Notice

Linux Foundation meetings involve participation by industry competitors, and it is the intention of the Linux Foundation to conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable antitrust and competition laws. It is therefore extremely important that attendees adhere to meeting agendas, and be aware of, and not participate in, any activities that are prohibited under applicable US state, federal or foreign antitrust and competition laws.

Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.

Hyperledger Code of Conduct Notice

Hyperledger Code of Conduct#:~:text=Treat%20each%20other%20with%20respect,personal%20characteristics%20or%20group%20membership.

  1. Treat each other with respect, professionalism, fairness, and sensitivity to our many differences and strengths, including in situations of high pressure and urgency.

  2. Never harass or bully anyone verbally, physically or sexually.

  3. Never discriminate on the basis of personal characteristics or group membership.

  4. Communicate constructively and avoid demeaning or insulting behavior or language.

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