Introduction to Public Sector SIG

Basic Intro Script - 2-5 mins long

1) Intro yourself - 30 secs

Jim Mason

  • Solutions Architect

  • Data services, Analytics, Database, Machine Learning, IoT integration, Automation

  • Blockchain Practice Leader at Paramount Software Solutions

  • Hyperledger Fabric Documentation Team participant

  • Hyperledger SIGs: Public Sector, Healthcare, Supply Chain, Capital Markets

  • MOBI blockchain standards committees: vehicle identity, connected data


2) Intro the Public Sector -SIG - 30 seconds

  • The Hyperledger Public Sector Special Interest Group (public-sector-SIG) is a Special Interest group focused on applying distributed ledger technology in general, and Hyperledger technologies in particular, to the public sector (e.g., government and government-related) use cases and needs.

  • The group connects those involved in the Public Sector, working with the Public Sector and impacted by Public Sector services and regulations

  • Public Sector Group Leaders

  • Dr. Hanna C. Norberg, Founder & CEO, TradeEconomista,

  • Saptarshi Choudhury, Director Emerging Technologies, Paramount Software Solutions,

  • The Public Sector SIG is prohibited from performing or engaging in any form of lobbying or attempts to influence government policy-making or regulatory processes. It is also not intended as a platform for procurement of services.

3) Main concerns of the SIG - 40 seconds

  • Public Sector organizations can potentially benefit from distributed ledger technologies ( DLT ) in services delivery:

  • Digital Transformation of government operations: automation, data quality

  • Identity management for individuals and organizations

  • Providing and tracking services and payments delivered to different groups

  • Management of vendor relationships and performance

  • Tracking voting, real estate transactions and licenses

  • Ensuring public health and safety

  • Public Sector organizations are involved in setting standards, governance and regulations for DLT technologies to benefit all sectors of society:

  • Personal Data Management regulations: GDPR etc

  • Many regulations on travel, health, safety financial services, insurance, manufacturing

  • Tracking movement of people, goods and services across borders with tariffs, fees

  • Providing stable digital payments with CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency

  • How do we do this?

4) Activities - 20 secs

Activities and meetings of the Public Sector SIG address:

  • identifying related use cases, current pilots, and proofs of concept;

  • sharing stories of successes, failures, opportunities, and challenges;

  • exploring cross-cutting concerns like security, privacy, and identity in government contexts;

  • identifying existing or needed common critical software components that would serve the particular needs of the public sector;

  • identifying conferences or other opportunities to connect face to face, as well as submit talks or present as a group at an event.

5) Presentations - 20 secs

We have had presentations on the following topics

  • Self Sovereign Identity – user controlled identity management

  • Legal Aspects of Blockchain – Netherlands blockchain public sector project focus

  • Blockchain for Metropolitan Governance – cities leveraging DLT solutions

  • Hyperledger Project Overviews

  • Transforming Digital Government – Italy

  • Blockchain Case Study: Smart Dubai – paperless city

  • Blockchain for Distributed Energy Resources – Enerblock

6) Projects - 30 secs

The group researches the Public Sector for:

  • Blockchain use cases

  • Blockchain projects and services

  • Blockchain technologies

  • Regulations related to government services & identity

  • Core services blockchain adds value for: energy, water, health, taxes, land

  • Surveys government organizations on trust, identity, regulations, impacts

  • White paper: Re-think Public Sector through Blockchain

7) Summary - 20 secs

  • Main concerns – many opportunities for improvement

  • Project focus on specific areas

  • Cross concerns with other SIGs: Healthcare, Capital Markets, Supply Chain

  • Leverage Hyperledger Project solutions and technologies

8) Where to direct questions/ How to participate - 10 secs

9) Ask a question for the Commenters on Youtube→ - 10 secs

  • As part of the completely open ecosystem of Hyperledger, we are also open.

  • We welcome suggestions and comments on this link.

  • This is a giant ecosystem with many branches; and you can participate at any level you want

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