Global Forum Submission # HYP20-8076631421

Global Forum Submission # HYP20-8076631421



Abstract Title*

Rethinking Public Sector through Blockchain.

45 minutes:


Introduce Panel discussion.

(Marta) Introduce panel

Saptarshi Choudhury

Sean O'Kelly

Bobbi Muscara

Explain The Public Sector special interest group (Bobbi)

Hyperledger Public Sector Special Interest focused on applying distributed Ledger technology   to the Public Sector. How did we come to this point , what motivated us....

Public Sector organizations are business set up with the aim of providing a public service . they exist in all three levels of government ( federal, state and local)  . Most comprised of organizations  that are owned or operated by government or work directly  with those agencies that provide  services for its citizens.

Governments role in society is to maintain trusted information.  A role that will continue to be of central importance to its citizen. 

By leveraging Blockchain Technology Governments can add trust to systems.

Tell us about the work you have been doing  (Saptarshi)

ADD ideas here

How did we come up...COMMONALITY. what process we used... (Sean O'Kelly)

Add ideas Here

What have we found  4 themes

1.  Identity - Bobbi SSI, DID importance VON network 
2. Regulations  (as Saptarshi mentioned, we also refer to this as Regulatory Compliance) - degrees of efficiencies 
3.  Integration and Inter-operability Government is participate (validator of ecosystem or owner operator). (Sean)
4.  Governance What does it mean for government governance of blockchain  ( government backed blockchain standard governance model) (Sean). 

Discover new pathways for the Public Sector when discovering the benefits of Blockchain Technology

HOW IS BLOCKCHAIN USED TODAY, Specifically Hyperledger 

Bobbi:  Dutch Initiative, Smart Dubai, New York Blockchain Apps 

Saptarshi Hyperledger Iroha Cambodia , NSF DLT efficiency in PS, Kiva ,Sierra Leona  Hyperledger Fabric Russia Saudi Arabia 

Sean, Consumer lending, Regulatory Compliance, Fed Reserve Bank: Membership , Real Estate Transactions

Sustainable Development Goals (17) SDG - How Public Sector initiatives  fit in with 2030 goal achievement 
Are any projects happening now?

ADD Relevant projects

Fabric examples:  Delaware Registration , Digital Identity solution North Carolina

Government lays down rules,  Blockchain supplies a validation platform,

ADD Governance Examples

.* mix public and private

GDPR and Blockchain

AZ - Regulation in blockchain  /  other states

Security on Blockchain Privacy Conf. Security 

What is preventing it from happening, Obstacles?

Add Obstacles Here

Digital islands 

Platforms inter-operability

Market research into tech. stack used , where to find information from POC's Pilots and production Successes and failures 

Spreading Awareness

Fear of being first, out of box solutions do not exist 

III. Application: Uses Cases 

  • Currently in use

  • Proposed, POC

IV. CONCLUSIONS /  Recommendations based on inferences during discussions final thoughts to connect everything together.

Add Conclusions from group

Marta draws final conclusion

  • What we have learned / seen in SIG (presentations we have heard / conclusions from these examples that made us dive deeper)
  • What we have consider / developed a common theme  ( Identity, the interaction, the regulation and the governance) 


"Governments' and other public sector entities core function is to act on behalf of society to create the laws and rules that must be followed, and to ensure that they are being followed.  It is foundation-ally necessary for governments to have access to accurate, relevant, and complete information in order to fulfill these responsibilities, which is why governments possess legal, regulatory, and judicial mechanisms to compel the truth from all societal participants.  This authority uniquely positions governments' as validators of truth and custodians of trusted information.  Emerging technologies continually provide new capabilities that enable creativity and the rethinking of existing processes, interactions, and models.  While all emerging technologies will play a role in the public sector, blockchain will certainly be among the most consequential, because of its specific role as a facilitator, validator, and custodian of trusted information.  This technology promises to enable governments' and other public sector entities to interact with societal participants within a larger ecosystem, or fabric, which will break down traditional public-private silos and provide completely new approaches toward governance.  The key components of this ecosystem are a) identity (real world items of value (assets) that can be represented digitally), b) interactions (traceability of transactions), c) regulatory compliance (the embedded laws, rules, and contracts that should be followed), and d) governance (the creation, maintenance, and operation of the ecosystem)."  

Benefits to the Ecosystem *

"We believe this discussion is compelling because every single regulated industry across all countries will be both impacted by and require cooperation from the public sector."


:Moderator     Marta Piekarska-Geater
Director of Ecosystem, Hyperledger

FORMATPanel Discussion
Moderator  Marta Piekarska-Geater
Director of Ecosystem, Hyperledger

Bobbi Muscara
Director of Education,Ledger Academy

Saptarshi Choudhury
Director Emerging Technology

Sean O'Kelly

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