2023 HY2 Media and Entertainment

July - December 2023

Bi-Annual Report

Q2 Summary 



MESIG is focused on applying Hyperledger (DLTs) to media and entertainment-specific scenarios. The topics covered include decentralized metadata, digital distribution, copyright protection, royalty payments, value chains, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), tokenized content, counterfeit reduction, registered digital ownership, metaverse, Web 3.0, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that will lead to real-world solutions for motion picture & television directors, authors, audiovisual influencers, photographic publishers, gamers, music creators, and artists. 

MESIG progress Summary

Hyperledger Project Mentorship Program: 

This project plan outlines the development of a mini-game that will serve as a proof-of-concept for implementing decentralized identity and payment rails in the gaming ecosystem. The project will be completed in four phases, with deliverables at each phase. The final product will be a playable mini-game that demonstrates the use of decentralized identity and payment systems. A research paper will also be produced that documents current practices for identity and payments in gaming and recommends implementing digital wallets for storing credentials and digital assets.
Learn more about the decentralized Identity & Payments Mimi - Game  Project plan. https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=21960161

Blockchain/AI Roundtable:

The entertainment industry faces several challenges in adopting artificial intelligence, and the roundtable aims to bring together a group of experts to identify and discuss these challenges. The participants will represent various industry sectors, including film production, entertainment law, copyright, intellectual property, accounting, blockchain development, gaming, content creators, writers, authors, agents, hair stylists, makeup artists, union reps, distribution, payments, payroll, streaming, marketing, and AI project managers. The roundtable aims to develop technological solutions to benefit those affected by these challenges. Hashtags for updates:  #Entertainment #Lawyers Media Services Payroll Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA) Film Budget, Inc., FilmBudget.com, Producer Finance Film, Production Film Photography, Producers Guild of America, Directors Guild of America, Writers Guild of America, West Writers Guild of America East - WGAE Actors Connection, Actors Connection Stage 32 ATSE (stage32.com), and Costume Designers Guild Awards. Details are listed below.

Media & Entertainment & Media Gaming Events:

Click Here For Past Presentations:  Hyperledger Media & Entertainment SIG YouTube Play List

Monthly Meetings 

Monthly meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Monday of each month @  9 am PST & noon CEST.

Date & Time: Monday, July 27, 2023 

  • Discussion>> Sandy gave an update on the Mini-gaming Project.

All progress updates can be found here: 



Links today meeting resources: 




Updates: upcoming presentations

  • Join the group's Discord chat channel: Chat and collaborate with group members or view the daily interactions happening across hyperledger's growing umbrella at the Media & Entertainment SIG chat channel

Date & Time: Monday, August 14, 2023

Agenda Topic Discussions:

  • Hyperledger Code of Conduct & Antitrust
  • Hyperledger MESIG Membership page
  • MESIG New Member Center
  • Introduce Yourself
  • Announcements 
  • Guest: Karen Kilroy   CEO, Kilroy Blockchain Corporation IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer, and author of numerous books including Blockchain Tethered AI (2023), Blockchain-as-a-Service (2019), AI and the Law(2021).https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenkilroy/
  • Topic: How Media & Entertainment Can Build Trust In AI Using Blockchain
  • Two autographed copies of the book will be given away to the first two winners. We will send PDF copies of the book to the following five winners. Attendees were invited to participate in this book drawing.
  • Upcoming Events & Webinars
  • Discussion>> We had a fascinating discussion about how AI and blockchain can benefit and secure the rights of writers, actors, content creators, and other artists to profit from their creations. Karen proposed creating a group that educates and engages the public in blockchain and AI projects and initiatives to increase awareness and participation. Attendees were encouraged to support Karen Kilroy's efforts to guarantee copyrights and fair compensation for writers, creators, actors, and all other content producers by casting their vote on the Panel Picker.

Updates: upcoming presentations

  • Join the group's Discord chat channel: Chat and collaborate with group members or just view the daily interactions happening across hyperledger's growing umbrella at the Media & Entertainment SIG chat channel

Date & Time: September 12, 2023

Agenda Topic Discussions:

  • Announcements
      •  We had 2 participants in the book drawing for Karen Kilroy's recently published Blockchain Tethered AI.
  • Upcoming Events & Webinars:
    • Jay Deverett  1st degree connection1st Manager at Deloitte Consulting | Blockchain & Digital Assets

Updates: upcoming presentations

  • Join the group's Discord chat channel: Chat and collaborate with group members or view the daily interactions happening across Hyperledger's growing umbrella at the Media & Entertainment SIG chat channel

Date & Time: October 16, 2023 

Agenda Topic Discussions: 

  • Hyperledger Code of Conduct & Antitrust
  • Hyperledger MESIG Membership page
  • MESIG New Member Center
  • Introduce Yourself
  • Announcements 
  • Upcoming Events & Webinars:
  • Discussion>> The Media & Entertainment Interest Group has formed a Blockchain/AI Roundtable led by Karen Kilroy, Ethan Kuehl, Brett Russell, and Randy Givens. Karen will serve as the Roundtable Moderator, bringing her experience in AI/Blockchain to the table along with Ethan and Brett. Randy will create a framework for the roundtable and distribute it to Karen, Ethan, and Brett. Once finalized, the HyperLedger management and ecosystem team will review it. 

Updates: upcoming presentations.

  • Join the group's Discord chat channel: Chat and collaborate with group members or view the daily interactions happening across Hyperledger's growing umbrella at the Media & Entertainment SIG chat channel

Date & Time: November 6, 2023

Agenda Topic Discussions:

  • Hyperledger Code of Conduct & Antitrust
  • Hyperledger MESIG Membership page
  • MESIG New Member Center
  • Introduce Yourself
  • Announcements 
  • Guest: Todd Holmes, Professor of Entertainment Media Management at California State University. 
  • Topic: Mashup: Entertainment Industry + Technology + AI + Blockchain
  • Upcoming Events & Webinars
  • Discussion>> We examined how AI and Blockchain impact the entertainment industry, specifically in residual income for actors, writers, and artists and the protection of their likeness when used by studios. In addition to discussing how blockchain can improve compliance and protect artists, actors, writers, and other industry workers, we also discussed other valuable topics.

Updates: upcoming presentations.

Date & Time: December 4, 2023

Agenda Topic Discussions:  

Decentralized Identity & Payments Mimi - Game  Project plan https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=21960161

Updates: upcoming presentations.

Hyperledger Project Mentorship Program

Learn more about this project:  Design/Development of a mini-game for exploring decentralized identity & payments in gaming & metaverse 

MESIG Projects:  


Design/Development of a mini game for exploring decentralized identity & payments in gaming & metaverse 

This project aims to function as a proof-of-concept (POC) showcasing decentralized identity and payment rails within the gaming sector and, eventually, the broader metaverse ecosystem. The specific objectives include the development of a mini-game POC demonstrating the use of decentralized identity and payment systems with Hyperledger chains. Indy and Aries would be used for Identity, while Firefly would be utilized for digital assets. 

Research on the current methods for identity and payments, exploring how Hyperledger blockchains can offer utility functions within these frameworks.

Investigation and development on how to incorporate digital wallets into the game project. These wallets would store credentials and digital assets following design principles and recommendations from the Open Wallet Foundation.

MESIG Gaming Co-Chairman: Sandy Aggarwal

In the monthly MESIG meetings, there will be a section dedicated to the discussion of gaming events and developments as part of the gaming meetings. This will allow everyone across subgroups to attend the central SIG meeting. We can have a one-off meeting if anyone wants a gaming group discussion on a particular topic.


Issues and Challenges 

While our monthly meetings are engaging, we need help to increase member attendance.  We hope that the MESIG restructure will positively impact member attendance.

Participant Diversity

Members were encouraged to add topic discussions to the monthly meeting agenda.  New attendees are always welcome. MESIG offers a safe environment for all members. The following Antitrust Policy and the Hyperledger Code of Conduct cover all Hyperledger meetings.

What Happened 

2023 What's Happening Wiki Page Posts: 


  • WEDNESDAY, July 12, 2023

Spydra, a Hyperledger member, presented its easy-to-use platform for turning assets into tokens using blockchain, called the Low-code Asset Tokenization platform. 


  • THURSDAY, August 24, 2023,

The Hyperledger in-depth webinar with Infosys discussed how government agencies worldwide are adopting emerging technologies and shifting to digital-native citizen services.

Workshop Description: The workshop When: Wednesday, November 15 at 7 AM PT / 10 PM ET


  • WEDNESDAY, November 15, 2023

Hyperledger in-depth webinar with Norges Bank (Central Bank of Norway) will cover Norges Bank's retail CBDC sandbox based on Hyperledger Besu and ERC-20 tokens presented by Lasse Meholm, CEO of Norges Bank (Central Bank of Norway). Please take a look at a pivotal modern finance initiative and its prospects.


  • WEDNESDAY, December 6, 2023

Hyperledger in-depth webinar with Kaleido Steve Cerveny, CEO of Kaleido, will discuss how Kaleido enables scalable, interoperable digital asset platforms with Hyperledger technologies. Join us to learn more about the evolving world of digital assets and how you can use them to drive business value. 


Stay in touch on Discord Messaging Chat and LinkedIn:  

To join/register:

 Discord, click here 

LinkedIn click here 

Discord Messaging Chat is available to all group members:  

Date Published: 12/10/23

Report Author: Randy Givens, MESIG Assistant Chair