2022-03-26 Biweekly Meeting - Gaming Subgroup
2022-03-26 Biweekly Meeting - Gaming Subgroup
Sandy Aggarwal
Randy Givens
Owned by Sandy Aggarwal
Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 by Randy Givens
Gaming Subgroup
The Media & Entertainment SIG Gaming subgroup meets every two weeks. Please refer to the page below for the minutes of meeting held this week.
- Saturday Mar 26, 2022 at 10:00 AM Eastern. The group calendar has a meeting every two weeks on Saturdays.
- Add Media and Entertainment SIG - Gaming Subgroup calls to your calendar.
Meeting Replay:
You can watch the meeting replay here.
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Meeting Notes, Saturday Mar 26, 2022
- Meeting started at 10:00 am Eastern
- Housekeeping
- It was agreed that we'll continue to have this meeting every two weeks on Saturdays 10:00 am Eastern
- Discord setup: Please join Hyperledger Gaming channel if you have not done so yet
- Use of Trello: Kris suggested that we use Trello for task management. A new Kanban board has been set up for this purpose now
- Projects Discussion (Research Paper)
- Part 1: Introduction to Blockchain Gaming
- Adjust project timeline (suggested end date March 30th extended into April 1st week)
- Tokenomics of selected games - work in progress by Maria
- NFT analysis - work completed by Kris, pending peer review
- Tech stacks on selected games - work in progress by Sandy
- Update various sections of paper to create proper flow - Sandy
- Part 2: Deep dive into use cases
- Draft to be started after part 1 draft is completed
- Prototype game projects started last week by Anish. Personal GitHub in use - to be migrated to Hyperledger lab
- Game assets as NFTs (deep dive into current standards such as ERC 721 vs ERC 1155)
- Please feel free to join NEFERTI project (working on low code platform for NFT development)
- Microtransactions and where to store transactional data
- Game Economy (Deep dive into use of Stablecoins instead of speculative coins)
- Part 3: Architectural Frameworks, Design Patterns and Tokenomics for Blockchain Gaming
- Draft to be started next month
- Game prototype projects need development help
- Meeting held with Polygon (MATIC) team for open source collaboration ~ Polygon will support
- Meeting held with Open Meta team for collaboration on their SDK. Please join team Discord here.
- Meeting held with Curvegrid management for a demo of their blockchain tools (MultiBaas)
- Part 1: Introduction to Blockchain Gaming
- Presentations
- Next presentation: work in progress for presentation by Crucible (dated to be fixed)
- Future presentations: please feel free to suggest ideas
- Mentorship Program
- Request Submitted: https://lf-hyperledger.atlassian.net/wiki/x/9S1PAQ - Not approved for this year
- Any other topics
- Meeting ended at 1:00 pm Eastern
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Media & Entertainment SIG Subgroups:
- MESIG - Film & Television Subgroup*
- MESIG - Music Subgroup
- MESIG - Publishing Subgroup
- MESIG - Gaming Subgroup
Hyperledger Foundation
, multiple selections available,