Media and Entertainment SIG


The Media and Entertainment Special Interest Group (MESIG) brings together technical, academic, and industry-related expertise in an effort to exploit new blockchain and DLT technologies with a view to solving long-standing problems in the creation, fair distribution, and legally appropriate attribution of media assets.

Big Hello & Welcome

To All MESIG Members and Visitors!

Please stay and participate in the growth of blockchain/DLT technology in the many sectors of the Media & Entertainment Industry.

Our Media & Entertainment Special Interest Group meets via Zoom every 4th Monday at Noon ET - 9AM PT 

This Group encompasses the full range of the entertainment industry including Film, Television, Music, Publishing, Gaming and others.

We welcome your participation, regardless of which aspect of the industry you have interest or expertise.


Sign up here to get notified of our special events and presentations.

Mission and Goals

The MESIG will use decentralized, permissioned HL blockchains to build ​user-friendly​ apps that respond to the relative disorder of permissionless environments, where creators and artists’ interests are significantly harder to safeguard.

Following comparative analyses of the technical challenges (and hypothetical solutions) facing filmmakers, musicians, novelists, poets, photojournalists, etc., these DLT apps/dapps will be created for content-creators and their publishers, irrespective of location or socioeconomic status. This implies a focus upon UX/UI concerns over command-line tools, all in the name of access and inclusivity for a MESIG

The MESIG will focus on the application of Hyperledger DLTs to media-specific and entertainment use cases. Such activity will automatically foreground topics such as decentralized metadata, digital distribution, copyright protection, royalty payments, value chains, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), tokenized content, counterfeit reduction, and registered digital ownership. By logical extension, these same themes will lead to real-world scenarios or solutions for cinematic, literary, audiovisual, and photographic publishers, to name but four.

As with other Special Interest Groups, the Media& Entertainment group has sub-groups.

The MESIG and its subgroups will:

  • Collaborate with other core Hyperledger working groups and project in the areas of architecture

           —performance and scalability identity
           —smart contracts
           —and integration

  • Build user-friendly DLT ME applications on HL, focusing on user friendly UX-UI integrations over command-line tools alone, thus simplifying the workflow of HL—for easier adoption by both content creators, developers, studios, distributors and all participants in the media & entertainment industry

  • Research different protocols—to build standardization and interoperability

  • Identify related reference architectures (business/integration or technical/infrastructure)

  • Work with businesses and non-profit or NGO communities alike

  • Share stories of civic success, failure, opportunity, and challenge

  • Encourage the equal involvement of both early adopters and student newcomers, looking to examine careers beyond the academic job market.

Get Involved 

MESIG is an open group and anyone is welcome to get involved.

New to Hyperledger? You'll need a free Linux Foundation ID (LFID) to use most of the community's tools. Here's how to get your LFID.

  • Subscribe to the mailing list & introduce yourself: Visit the Media & Entertainment SIG list and click 'Join This Group'
  • Join the group's Discord chat channel: Chat and collaborate with group members or just view the daily interactions happening across Hyperledger's growing umbrella at the Media & Entertainment SIG chat channel
  • Dial-in to an upcoming meeting: The group holds regular meetings that you are welcome to join
  • Add your name to the Directory: Help people connect with you by adding your information to the Member's Directory (this is optional)
  • Edit this wiki: Everything on the wiki is editable so feel free to make changes & additions by logging in and clicking 'Edit'

Media & Entertainment SIG Subgroups:

Hyperledger Foundation