Upcoming Meeting w Agenda -MESIG
The Media & Entertainment Special Interest Group meets monthly* on Monday's at 9:00AM Pacific (12:00PM Eastern) Times and frequency of these meetings can be adjusted to accommodate different time zones and level of interest.
Date: TBA at 12:00 PM Eastern (9:00 AM Pacific - 9:30 PM IST). The group has a meeting once monthly on Mondays except on holidays.
Dial-In Information:
You can join either from your computer or from your phone:
From computer: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.3?pwd=UE90WHhEaHRqOGEyMkV3cldKa2d2dz09
From phone: +1(855)880-1246 (toll free US number) or view International numbers
Meeting ID: 518 494 7650
Meeting passcode: 475869
Hyperledger is committed to creating a safe and welcoming community for all. For more information please visit our Code of Conduct: Hyperledger Code of Conduct
Meeting Agenda, TBA at 12:00PM Eastern (9:00AM Pacific - 9:30PM IST)
Blockchain & AI in Media & Entertainment - THE HACKATHON https://www.linkedin.com/events/thehackathon-blockchain-aiinmed7243681485470281731
Connect with our Group
Discord chat channel: Chat and collaborate with group members or just view the daily interactions happening across Hyperledger's growing umbrella at the Media & Entertainment SIG chat channel
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Click Here For past All Monthly Meetings & Presentations: Hyperledger Media & Entertainment SIG YouTube Play List
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Media & Entertainment SIG Subgroups:
Hyperledger Foundation