2023 HY1 Media and Entertainment

January - June 2023

Bi-Annual Report

Q1 & Q2 Summary  


MESIG is focused on applying Hyperledger (DLTs) to media and entertainment-specific scenarios. The topics covered include decentralized metadata, digital distribution, copyright protection, royalty payments, value chains, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), tokenized content, counterfeit reduction, registered digital ownership, metaverse, Web 3.0, and Artificial Intelligence (Ai) that will lead to real-world solutions for motion picture & television directors, authors, audiovisual influencers, photographic publishers, gamers, music creators, and artists. 

MESIG progress Summary

MESIG RESTRUCTURE: To increase participation in the MESIG monthly group, the subgroup structure was eliminated, and all events and activities of the subgroups were brought together under the Hyperledger Media & Entertainment Special Interest Group. The Gaming Subgroup will retain the current project activities and previous documentation so users can follow the progress of game projects and events. 

Brett and Sandy will take on the role of Co-Chairs, each specializing in their respective fields of expertise. MESIG greatly benefits from Brett's extensive experience and knowledge in Hyperledger and blockchain entertainment. The Hyperledger Media & Entertainment Special Interest Group is delighted to have Sandy Aggarwal as co-chair. As the MESIG Gaming subgroup leader and an active member of other Hyperledger Special Interest Groups, Sandy's experience will significantly benefit the entire MESIG membership. 

I will serve as the Assistant Chair for the Hyperledger Media & Entertainment Special Interest Group. As Assistant Chair of the MESIG, I will assist Brett and Sandy with maintenance-related tasks, such as updating the wiki/discord pages and Hyperledger biannual reports. 

Media & Entertainment & Media Gaming Events:

Monthly Meetings 

Monthly meetings are scheduled on the 3rd Monday of each month @  9 am PST & noon CEST.

Date & Time: Monday, January 30, 2023 

Agenda Topic Discussions: 

Updates: upcoming presentations.

Date & Time: Monday, February 27, 2023

Agenda Topic Discussions:

Updates: upcoming presentations.

The What's Happening Wiki Page: We created the What's Happening Wiki Page for anyone staying up to date with blockchain and related technology impacts on the Media & Entertainment industry. Anyone interested in joining our MESIG will be notified of upcoming events, including our What's Happening pages.

  • WEDNESDAY, February 08, 2023

Hyperledger in-depth webinar with IPwe: Hyperledger member IPwe will introduce its Smart Intangible Asset Management platform. It is a revolutionary platform that enables businesses to discover the true value of their entire IP portfolio for efficient, data-driven decision-making and asset management in one platform. Replay link: https://www.youtube.com/live/onhCaaAcZzs?feature=share

  • WEDNESDAY, February 22, 2023

Hyperledger In-depth with Corsha https://corsha.com/: Protecting Software Supply Chains with Hyperledger Fabric Webinar. The Hyperledger In-Depth with Integra Ledger: Universalizing Document Automation Using Hyperledger Technologies:  Replay Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/iJcPJTKhmc4?feature=share

  • FRIDAY, February 25, 2023

HYPERLEDGER MEETUP - HYDERABAD: Ai Generated Works: The Future Of Creativity and HThe Hyperledger Hyderabad Community will be hosting a virtual meeting to discuss Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts for AI generated works: the future of creativity in copyright & licensing.  Replay link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoR6arlE8io (edited)

Date & Time: March 27, 2023 

Agenda Topic Discussions:

Updates: upcoming presentations.

What's Happening Wiki Page: 

  • WEDNESDAY, March 8, 2023

Learn how Integra Ledger, a Hyperledger member company, uses Hyperledger Fabric and Aries to power a document identity and messaging system that enables universal document automation - functionality that can be added to almost any existing software. 

Replay link: https://youtu.be/56NBeQ-qmII 

  • WEDNESDAY, Mar 22, 2023,

Fireside Chat with Nyasha Foy, VP and AGC, NFTs, at Sotheby's, was an in-person event. IPLS’ Trademark co-chairs, in collaboration with FAME and CALS, welcomed Nyasha Foy to discuss her professional path and current work at Sotheby’s. Sushi and refreshments will be provided. Nyasha Shani Foy is a multi-hyphenate business and legal affairs lawyer and creative.  Nyasha is Vice President and Assistant General Counsel, NFTs at Sotheby’s. At Sotheby’s, she advises and counsels its NFT business and the Sotheby’s Metaverse, a proprietary NFT platform for digital art collectors. 

The IP of Gaming Law Panelists:  Mikaela Gross - Counsel, Take-Two Interactive Daniel Koburger - Partner, KBL Roche Moderator: Victor Wang - Director, Cardozo Patent Diversity Project.  In-person Event

  • March 29 and 30, 2023

WIPO Conversation on Intellectual Property and the Metaverse: The Seventh Session of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Conversation is a comprehensive spectrum discussion about frontier technologies enabling the metaverse, such as AI, blockchain and the NFTs, emerging AR and VR technologies, the Internet of Things and data processing and discuss the challenges the metaverse poses to the existing IP system. 

Date & Time: April 24, 2023 

Agenda Topic Discussions: Our agenda remained the same. 

Updates: upcoming presentations.

What's Happening Wiki Page: 

  • WEDNESDAY, April 5, 2023 

Hyperledger in-depth webinar with Instnt: In this webinar, learn how Instnt, a Hyperledger member company, is using Hyperledger Indy, Aries, and Ursa for seamless, one-click user onboarding across services subscribing to the same governance framework and level-of-assurance definitions - ensuring compliance with AML/CTF and KYC regulations. 

Replay link: https://www.youtube.com/live/85w_REDiZKc?feature=share

Date & Time: May 23, 2023

Agenda Topic Discussions: Meeting canceled.

Updates: upcoming presentations.

What's Happening Wiki Page: 

  • Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Hyperledger AnonCreds: Using ZKP Verifiable Credentials Everywhere: AonCreds was accepted as an Incubated project at Hyperledger in late 2022. This is the first workshop developed by this community, and it is intended for anyone interested in Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), on Indy, Aries, or other platforms.

Replay link: https://www.youtube.com/live/1RrJky42dvg?feature=share

Date & Time: June 19, 2023

Agenda Topic Discussions:  

  • Hyperledger Code of Conduct & Antitrust
  • Hyperledger MESIG Membership page
  • New Member Center
  • Introduce Yourself
  • Announcements  
  • Upcoming Events & Webinars
  • Discussion >> Artificial Intelligence - AI takes on the music industry. Drake, The Weeknd, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, and John Lennon are a few well-knowns dipping their toes. Let's explore the Good, Bad, and Ugly.Our discussion focused on the impact of AI on entertainment, media, and gaming. Music and gaming dominated most of the discussion.

Hyperledger Project Mentorship Program

MESIG is pleased to welcome Kyle Liu (aka @Flamebom) as a Hyperledger Project Mentorship Program mentee. Kyle is an incoming freshman at Georgia Tech, the 4th ranked university in the U.S. for computer science. He is a programmer and gamer with experience with Minecraft and other games. Kyle has the exact skills needed for this project. He will be working on this mini-game project under Sandy's guidance and conducting research for its design and structure. His passion for programming and gaming led him to participate in open-source development. Having Kyle working alongside Sandy on the Design/Development of a mini-game for exploring decentralized identity & payments in gaming & metaverse is a massive honor. A big congratulations to Sandy and Kyle!

Learn more about this project:  Design/Development of a mini-game for exploring decentralized identity & payments in gaming & metaverse 

What's Happening Wiki Page: 

  • Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Spydra, a Hyperledger member, will present its easy-to-use platform for turning assets into tokens using blockchain, called the Low-code Asset Tokenization platform. This platform, built on Hyperledger Fabric, is flexible, supports various workflows, and allows companies to use blockchain for asset tokenization without needing to write any code.  You'll learn how this platform can be used in Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Insurance, Retail, and Fintech sectors.

Replay link: https://www.youtube.com/live/8wiIvPHgkxE?si=uhHiporDN4qpPw_Z

Issues and Challenges 

While our monthly meetings are engaging, we need help to increase member attendance.  We hope that the MESIG restructure will positively impact member attendance.

MESIG Upcoming Presentations 

Upcoming presentations

Karen Kilroy  https://kilroyblockchain.com/#home

Karen Kilroy’s Bio:


LinkedIn Karen Kilroy Profile link: https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr92XFbn5BkbUk4ZxFXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZANMT0NVSTA1OFRfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1687228380/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.linkedin.com%2fin%2fkarenkilroy/RK=2/RS=RcuXuO7Fv.9G0huc3FaoFLBHDDw-

MESIG Projects:  


Design/Development of a mini-game for exploring decentralized identity & payments in gaming & metaverse 

This project aims to function as a proof-of-concept (POC) showcasing the use of decentralized identity and payment rails within the gaming sector and, eventually, the broader metaverse ecosystem. The specific objectives include:

Development of a mini-game POC demonstrating decentralized identity and payment systems with Hyperledger chains. Indy and Aries would be used for Identity, while Firefly would be utilized for digital assets. 

Research the current methods for identity and payments, exploring how Hyperledger blockchains can offer utility functions within these frameworks.

Investigation and development on how to incorporate digital wallets into the game project. These wallets would store credentials and digital assets following design principles and recommendations from the Open Wallet Foundation.

MESIG Gaming Co-Chairman: Sandy Aggarwal

In the monthly MESIG meetings, there will be a section dedicated to the discussion of gaming events and developments as part of the gaming meetings. This will allow everyone across subgroups to attend the central SIG meeting. We can have a one-off meeting if anyone wants a gaming group discussion on a particular topic.


Anyone interested in participating in our mentorship project is welcome to join us.

Design/Development of a mini-game for exploring decentralized identity & payments in gaming & metaverse 

Participant Diversity

Members were encouraged to add topic discussions to the monthly meeting agenda.  New attendees are always welcome. MESIG offers a safe environment for all members. The following Antitrust Policy and the Hyperledger Code of Conduct cover all Hyperledger meetings.

Additional Informational: 

Other news or events: 

Sandy presents at W3C Gaming Community. 


Also, a summary of the blog post of Andrej - W3C Gaming Community Co-Chair


Stay in touch on Discord Messaging Chat. To join/register, click here https://discord.gg/hyperledger

Discord Messaging Chat is available to all group members: https://discord.gg/hyperledger  Members are welcome to follow the MESIG channel and subgroups. 

Date Published: 08/12/23

Report Author: Randy Givens, MESIG Assistant Chair