Survey for Special Interest Groups

Survey for Special Interest Groups


What documentation has been developed

What documentation is needed 

How can the LMDWG help

Would you like to be a part of the sub group  LMDWG glossary

Survey : Special Interest Group Liaison
  1. Healthcare
  2. Public Sector
  3. Social Impact
  4. Telecom
  5. Trade Finance
  6. Capital Markets
  7. Diversity, Civility, Inclusion WG
  1. Wendy
  2. Rose Shuman
  3. Karen Ottoni
  4. Vipin Rathi
  5. Will Lowell
  6. Kelly Cooper
  7. Kelly Cooper

Please Edit survey:

GroupSurvey SentSurvey Received
Healthcare SIG

Public Sector SIG

Social Impact SIG

Telecom SIG

Trade Finance SIG

Capital Markets

Supply Chain

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