Blog Ideas

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Hyperledger Blog, LMD

Learning Materials Development working group educates people interested in expanding their knowledge of Hyperledger and its project. We report to the Technical Steering Committee. We consult with Hyperledger team members, project maintainers, and communities to identify training needs. Together, we develop strategies and resources to address those needs for both technical and non-technical audiences.

There are plenty of needs when expanding a new field of knowledge. One guiding principle is clear, expansion of the frontiers requires a willingness to explore, map, and claim the territory.

So. How to navigate the universe of Hyperledger? Han Solo said it rightly – Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy!

Five years after our foundational big bang, the expanding galaxies of Hyperledger have 73,779 members, 180 meetups in 81 countries, nine special interest groups, six working groups, sixteen projects, labs, training and certification courses, numerous webinars, tutorials, and videos. Mapping our coordinates shall help us decide where we want to go and find the paths to get there.

Hyperledger is an open-source community focused on developing enterprise-grade blockchains for deployment in a neutral home for frameworks, tools, and libraries. Our members build collaboratively and share results inside or outside of our groups.

How do we know what is happening where and when? How do we identify who generates what? Who is responsible for the captains' log?
Who scouts ahead? What governance decides strategies to follow? Do intelligent cats need herding? What support do they need?

LMD engages new followers, trains and certifies novices and experts, provides tools and supplies for the journey. We keep the travelogue. We host a place to talk, with enthusiasm, about learning.

Contradicting Han Solo, with us, traveling through Hyperledger becomes easy. We are a landing page for coordinates and an easy launchpad to make the jump to lightspeed.


List Blog post


Blog template
How To..






Pillar Guide


What Is

List Blog Post

How to Write a List Blog Post

We all love countdowns, rankings, and lists – including your readers. This presents an unignorable opportunity for your blog team: list posts. 

List blog posts are exactly what they sound like – a blog post listing off examples, resources, or tips pertaining to a topic your readers will love, are interested in, or would benefit from knowing more about. List posts can range from as low as three to as high as 100+, though the sweet spot that most bloggers gravitate towards tends to be between five and 20.  

Another perk of the list approach to blog posts is that it is appropriate for every stage for the buyer’s journey. As an example, a digital marketing agency could see success with an awareness post titled “The 10 Social Media Trends Your Company Can’t Ignore” and with a decision stage post titled “3 Qualities to Look For in a Marketing Agency.”

Need some suggestions for your list post? You can list out any of the following:

How to Write a Blog post

Edit Your Own Version in One of Two Ways:

  1. Go to “File” > “Make a Copy” to Access in Google Docs
  2. Go to “File” > “Download As” > “Microsoft Word” to Download as a Word Doc

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HubSpot’s Marketing and Blogging Software

How to Write a “How to” Blog Post

Whether it’s “how to make chicken parm” or “how to start a business,” people are searching “how to” do things on Google all the time. And you can help those people out with a “how to” blog post. 

“How to” blog posts provide your readers with a step-by-step guide to doing, well, anything. These blogs are also an amazing opportunity for your company to position itself as customer-focused and selfless, as you’re laying out a tactical approach to fixing a problem or addressing a need without asking for anything in return. This helps to make your brand synonymous with trust. 

Writing these posts can also help your blog rank for Google’s featured snippet – the box that appears in Google search results with a few dozen words answering the question. You can see an example of this below. 

“How to” blog posts are best for the following blog posts:

Outline: [Blog Post Title]

Keyword: [Enter Targeted Keyword]

Keyword MSV: [Enter Targeted Keyword’s Monthly Search Volume]

Author: [Enter Author Name]

Due Date: [Enter Due Date]

Publish Date: [Enter Desired Publish Date]

Buyer Persona: [Enter Targeted Reader and/or Buyer Persona]

[Blog Post Title]

Make sure the title starts with “How to…” and runs for 60 characters or less.


Lead into the post with a short 100-200 word introduction. Be sure to highlight:

  • The reason why what you’re talking about is important.
  • Who, what industry, or what sector of the industry this applies to.
  • What you’ll be covering [i.e. “in this post, we’ll explain why (term) is important, explain how to (term), and provide 8 suggestions if you’re new to (term)”].

What is [Term], and Why Does it Matter?

Some readers may have no idea what it is you’re explaining how to do. Obviously, if what you’re writing about is well-known, you can skip the definition. 

After defining the term, explain why it’s important for the reader to understand the idea and/or know how to do what you’re writing about. 

How to [Task] 

This section should make up the bulk of the writing in your blog post. It’s enormously important for each step to have its own section header for optimal organization, clarity for the reader, and search engine optimization. Additionally, breaking instructions up by sections also lets you include visual aids for each step as needed in the form of a GIF, image, or video. 

It’s important to remember to be clear, concise, and accurate in the steps you provide your readers. Any extra “fluff” to the article may confuse them, resulting in some readers not achieving the results they intended. 

If what you’re explaining how to do is solve an equation (i.e. “How to Calculate Break Even”), provide a step-by-step explanation and example of how to calculate the rate, point, or number you’re explaining how to reach. Show all of your work so the reader can follow along easily. 

# Tips and Reminders for [Term] (Optional)

If you’re breaking down a difficult concept or task, some readers may still feel overwhelmed and unsure of their ability to tackle it. Break down a few suggestions on how to best approach the concept, and/or a few reminders about it. This is not a list post, so keep this short list to three to five pieces of advice. 

If you feel the step-by-step approach is sufficient, you can choose not to include this section. 


Wrap up your amazing new blog post with a great closing. Remind your readers of the key takeaway you want them to walk away with and consider pointing them to other resources you have on your website. 


Last but not least, place a call-to-action at the bottom of your blog post. This should be to a lead-generating piece of content or to a sales-focused landing page for a demo or consultation. For example, if your product or service helps your readers do what it is they searched “how to” do, or if you have a template in your content resource library that does what they searched “how to” do, that would be a perfect CTA for this post. 

Checklist Before Publishing

  • Did you provide clear, actionable steps to accomplishing the task your reader needed help with?
  • Did you provide relevant and accurate facts and stats to prove your understanding of the concept?
  • Did you emphasize the importance of understanding this concept if it is not already well-known?
  • Did you properly cite and backlink your sources?
  • Did you spell check and proofread?
  • Are there at least 1-2 images?
  • Is the post 800-1,000 words at minimum?


Edit Your Own Version in One of Two Ways:

  1. Go to “File” > “Make a Copy” to Access in Google Docs
  2. Go to “File” > “Download As” > “Microsoft Word” to Download as a Word Doc

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HubSpot’s Marketing and Blogging Software

How to Write a Newsjacking Blog Post

This just in -- people love reading the news online, and if there’s an opportunity for you to write about a piece of news that can or does directly impact your target audience, you should take it. 

Newsjacking refers to the practice of capitalizing on the popularity of a news story to amplify your sales and marketing success. The term was popularized due to David Meerman Scott's book Newsjacking: How to Inject Your Ideas into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage. 

There are two different approaches to newsjacking: the immediate rundown of what’s happening and the look back of what happened (alongside what to expect after the initial news break settles). Alternatively, you could publish an initial post to alert readers of the breaking news, and then edit once more details arise. 

One thing to note with newsjacking: if the topic is or could be perceived as sensitive, be very careful with your writing and positioning. Your decision to cover the story and/or the approach you take in your post could be controversial and negatively impact your brand. 


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HubSpot’s Marketing and Blogging Software

How to Write an Infographic Blog Post

Infographics are an opportunity to combine beautiful and on-brand designs with compelling copy from your marketing team. 

For infographic blog posts, the infographic itself should do most of the talking and take up the bulk of the real estate in the blog body. However, there’s still the need for copy before and sometimes even after the infographic to help set up and elaborate on the ideas within the image, and to help the post rank on search engines. 

Below is a template outline for you to plan the copy for your infographic post. If you’re looking for templates to help you design your actual infographic, click here for 15 free infographic templates

Pillar Blog

How to Write a Pillar Blog Post

A pillar page is intended to be the authoritative resource for a given topic on the internet. While some blogs are instructional how-to guides or lists of incredible examples, a pillar page should be the ultimate guide that any reader would ever need to know about a topic...ever.

You can support a pillar page with other related blog posts that link out to this pillar page, known as “cluster” posts. (Quick note: if this pillar-cluster model is new to you, learn all about what it is and how the HubSpot team rolled it out it on our blog here.)

Your pillar pages should be the most in-depth writing you’ve ever compiled on a subject on your blog to date. This is because you’ll have multiple places on the post to work in your keyword and backlink from reputable sources, showing search engines you’re the place to point to for a given topic. 

If you think the pages will be longer than your usual posts, you’re right – one of HubSpot’s pillar pages takes an estimated 45 minutes to read! However, that’s definitely an outlier. Your pillar page length, pending on the depth of the subject matter, can range anywhere from 2,000 - 5,000 words. Because of this length, it’s recommended that you include at least one piece of interactive content in your pillar page – such as an embedded video or social media post – to break up this text-heavy post. 

Here are a few examples of pillar pages we’re proud of here at HubSpot. You may notice that we linked to all of the other blog posts we wrote in this topic cluster – something you should do, too. 

What is Blog Post basic

How to Write a “What is” Blog Post

How often do you find yourself typing “what is [blank]” into Google? Weekly? Daily? Hourly? 

Sometimes, your readers just need a quick answer to a question. Enter: the “what is” blog post. This is the opportunity for you to answer that question – and provide further details on the topic for the readers that want them (and, of course, to help your post rank better). 

Writing these posts can also help your be chosen for Google’s featured snippet – the box that appears in Google search results with a few dozen words answering the question people search for. You can see an example of this below. 

LMDWG Blog Post Series

Wanted.....Graphic Artists, Technical Writers...

1. The Learning Materials Promotion

What we do

The Learning Material Development Working Group  is responsible for maintaining an interactive Library for the community to access. This library  holds all the wonders of the Hyperledger Universe and is constantly refreshed. Become a part of the learners and join our bi-weekly calls.

How  to get involved

All the information on how to join a call can be found on our homepage :  and details to join the community can be found here,   New Member Welcome Page

New leadership

2021 marks a new year for the LMDWG with new leadership from Alfonso Govela, congratulations !

New initiative:

Staring in January we will be starting our LMDWG series on how to get involved with the LMDWG. stay tune.


 Hyperledger Community Blog 

  1.  LMDWG Blog? We need to write a blog about getting involved