LMDWG New Leadership

LMDWG New Leadership


The Learning Materials Working Group would like to thank Alfonso Govela for his exceptional leadership in the role of Co-Chair to the LMDWG. During his tenure, Alfonso arranged many presentations for the group. 

Arno Pernthaler from DEC, DLT Education Consortium

Kultur Token, Jakob Hackel, City of Vienna applies Blockchain-DLT technology

Margherita Leder. INATBA, International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications

Otavio Oliveira, Binarystar Japan, Translation Management System

Kamlesh Nagware, Snapper Future Tech, Blockchain Courses by Indian Blockchain Institute.

All of these presentations brought valuable insights and helped the group develop.  Alfonso is passionate about creating an inclusive experience for everyone in the LMDWG.  He took up the Translation efforts arranging for a system to create Learning Materials in multiple languages. But the most notable contribution was his work as a Mentor.  He developed a project that won recognition as a Linux Foundation-sponsored mentorship project in the Summer of 2021 that guided two interns. The project Global Scouting of DLT / Blockchain Educational Opportunities, whose goal is to initiate a Decentralised Global Directory of DLT / Blockchain Educational Opportunities, engages a community to build, maintain, and develop a Tool Kit that supports this collaboration. Alfonso will continue his work mapping the educational opportunities in the Blockchain universe and maintaining the Directory and has formed a Committee for this initiative and we look forward to continuing this valuable work. 

The Learning Materials Development Working Group would like to announce a NEW Co-Chair. We welcome John Carpenter from Global Blockchain Summit to the leadership role with the LMDWG. John has been a long-standing member of the LMDWG and has spearheaded the MEETUP efforts in the Hyperledger community. Already a few weeks into the position he has formed Committee to work on the University Courseware. This effort will create a lab-type blockchain course that can be adopted by universities and technical learning centers to build blockchain projects. We look forward to great things coming out of the LMDWG under John's leadership.

Please join the Learning Materials working group on our new adventures to developing open source training material to educate people interested in expanding their knowledge of Hyperledger and its projects.  Thank you,

Bobbi Muscara
Chair of the Learning Materials Working Group.