

. Welcome 
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Introduction to Learning Materials Working Group


         Antitrust Policy Antitrust Policy Notice

Introductions from people on the call: Flavia, Bobbi Jim Silvia

II. EdX Update / Discussion:

  • 1. Blockchain for Business EdX Updates EDITS COMPLETED  (smile) Go Live 7/16, 1800 students so far.

    2 . Technical Course: each Project will have its own mini course. easier to maintain,   members from the Working Groups and Projects would own their sections
  • Certification courses Fabric coming in December. Jim got involved with FABRIC through the Edx course that had little programming projects that piqued his interest.  But courses got students stuck on examples that required technical expertise. Creating seperate deep dive course for each of the hyperledger technologies. . Steven Curran is developing INDY mooc using the General Guidelines for MOOC.  Jim and Bobbi requested guidelines to follow and Flavia will add to Wiki as a PDF.
  • Each project will need a new deep dive course. Burrow request for Documentation assistant (reached out on chat channel) need LMDWG resource
  • III. Wiki / Pages (Updates and Additions) 

Resources Page

 IV. Recruitment

Both Flavia and Jim will spread information. Bobbi will recruit at the apps challenge.

V. Best Practices and Standards -

  •  Call August 7 to help with USE CASE TEMPLATE - need someone from group to assign this item and develop a template for Use Cases to follow.

Objectives: Suggestions on how Best practices can be applied to all groups and projects.

VII. Old Business:

  1. Three items need sponsors:

Key terminology - a glossary of consistent terms for all project and Special Interest groups to use in documentation. 

USE CASE Template - August 7th call to determine Use Case Template. 

Template for MOOC's 

VIII.   New Business

Silva inquired about support for his project, , we ask him to present in two weeks.

 IX. Close          Next meeting August 12th  2019,