
This is from an email sent by Florence Hudson who is the chair of P2733

Participation request for in the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Standards Working Group P2733 for Clinical IoT Data and Device Interoperability with TIPPSS. TIPPSS is a framework we have been developing with IEEE since 2016 standing for Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Safety and Security. DLT is part of our purview. 

We have 229 registered members of the P2733 standards WG from 22 countries and 6 continents, but need some identity specialists, people who know Trust and Identity, can help us create standards in this space for Clinical IoT and connected healthcare. You don't have to be an IEEE member or pay to join the WG, just send me an email as I chair the WG. Happy to discuss on an upcoming HL call if you like. I've attached an overview presentation of the WG effort, and here is a link to the pre-standards report for IEEE on clinical IoT data validation and interoperability with Blockchain which led to this WG.  

It would be good to all be working together to develop global standards for TIPPSS in IoT, starting with healthcare and then in smart transportation and cities and grids.Â