Project Artifacts - Hyperledger Explorer User Interface redesign

Project Artifacts - Hyperledger Explorer User Interface redesign

The UX process implemented

Want to know more about UX process?

Step 1 - User research:

Sub processes

Qualitative research → Quantitative research  → Competitor analysis  → User persona → Empathy maps →  Customer journey map 

ProcessFiles related Remarks
Qualitative researchRecording link
Responses link
Qualitative research was done in-person on zoom.
Quantitative researchResponses linkQuantitative research done through a google form which was shared along with the mailing list as well as in LinkedIn also in the discord channels
Competitor analysisAudit link
Goals and pain pointsLink to fileThese are derived from the data collected through both quantitative and qualitative research.
User persona
Empathy maps
Customer journey maps
Refined GoalsFile link

Step 2 - Defining the problem: 

Sub processes

User stories → Card sorting

ProcessFiles related Remarks
User storiesFile link
Card sortingFile link

Step 3 - Ideate the solution:

Sub processes

Information architecture → User flow

ProcessFiles relatedRemarks
Information ArchitectureFile link
User flowFile link
Style GuideFile linkBesides the guidelines outlined in this style guide, we also adhere to established design standards, such as the Material Design style guide, particularly for icons and other design elements.

Step 4 - Prototype:

Sub processes

Wireframing → High Fidelity prototype

ProcessFiles relatedRemarks


File linkAfter numerous iterations based on feedback from the Explorer contributors and community, we have arrived at the final/fifth iteration of our Explorer wireframes.
HiFi Prototype

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