

Project TitleReconomy-ledger


Primary Focus



Mutual credit is a community-led and owned local currency. This project follows some guidelines of Silvio Giselle’s concept of Freigold or “free money”. One of the basics of the concept is that the currency is designed to circulate and prevents users from hoarding or leveraging.
No blockchain solution for mutual credit currencies would practically serve local communities. Permission capabilities of Hyperledger allow the ledger to be truly owned and managed by the community and allow for an essential role of community administrator to be in place. This project was designed by committee members of the existing LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) group and will replace current LETS software. The end goal of this project is to build an open-source mobile application that communicates with Iroha 2 backend.

Additional Information

Detailed information of desired functionality of Iroha backend in the repo: Reconomy Ledger.

For the front end, this project should build a mobile app. We want to fork an open-source Flutter project that can be repurposed for that. To interact with Iroha, we would create an open-source flutter plugin that would use Iroha Java SDK for Android platforms and Iroha Swift SDK for iOS.

The second resort for the front end is to build a web app utilising Iroha JS SDK.

Learning Objectives

Mentee will learn the entire process of building a mobile application that interacts with the Iroha2 backend.

Expected Outcome

The project will be:

  • Released as Open Source software
  • Provide the grassroots communities with tools to manage their medium of exchange
  • Demonstrate many of the Hyperledger Iroha 2 capabilities
  • Lead to further testing and API improvements of Iroha 2
  • Attract attention to Hyperledger amongst grassroots communities
  • Utilises blockchain technology in the real-world scenario
  • Will provide significant benefit to the local communities by:
    • Higher rates of utilisation of local services and products
    • With increased velocity, there’s more value created and exchanged within the community
    • Positive environmental impact by reducing carbon footprint due to utilisations of local goods and services
    • Community resilience. Increased engagement within the local community will result in food security and emergency preparedness.

We expect to provide an MVP of the project showing its local application in 24 weeks with mentees working the dedicated time.

Relation to Hyperledger 

This project is related to the Hyperledger ecosystem by using Iroha 2 and being open-source, i.e. many communities may use it as-is.

Mentee Skills

At the very least, we’ll need the mentee to know Rust to an extent.
Knowledge of Flutter, Kotlin or Swift is a good bonus.
The experience or the desire to learn WASM smartcontracts design would be helpful but isn’t required.

Future plans

When the project gets exposure, there is an opportunity to work with other grassroots communities looking for mutual credit solutions. Each community might have different policies and might need different functionality. Further down the road, there’s an opportunity to create a library of various functionalities for mutual credit currencies based on Iroha 2, so grassroots communities can pick and choose how their local currency would work and could have a working solution in no time.

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

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