2019 Q4 Hyperledger Explorer


Hyperledger Explorer

Project Health

Project health is green. We released Tag  v1.0.0-rc1 on November 18 . We use all of the following to help keep project health green: JIRA, RocketChat, email, Gerrit, Jenkins, Github, Zoom and Skype. Questions asked via rocketchat are being answered in a timely manner. For greater efficiency in this regard the FAQs page is updated with every release. We are in need of more community involvement to maintain a green status for the project.


Maintaining contributor numbers and diversity.


v1.0.0-rc1: Released on November 18, 2019 to support HLFabric 1.4.2

Overall Activity in the Past Quarter

In this quarter the focus was on earning CII Badge, transitioning to Azure Pipeline, and GitHub code review (Gerrit available in read only mode), fixing bugs, enhancing UI, creating as a step toward getting out of incubation. In support of that we worked on increasing code coverage and putting in place an E2E Test Suite and added documentation for HL Explorer here.

Automated deployment of HL Explorer is available Running in Docker.

Current Plans

Major release v1.0.0, submitted proposal Hyperledger Explorer major release v1.0.0

Proposal to "Move HL Explorer out of the incubation", Move Hyperledger Explorer from incubation to active status

Continue on bug fixes, help community in configuring HLExplorer , and troubleshooting.  

Maintainer Diversity

No new maintainer were added. We really need community to come forward and contribute.

Contributor Diversity

Current contributors are from DTCC and Fujitsu, There is some interest shown by members wishing to join the effort but no active contributions yet.

Additional Information

Reviewed by

  • Arnaud Le Hors
  • Baohua Yang
  • Binh Nguyen
  • Christopher Ferris
  • Dan Middleton
  • Hart Montgomery
  • Gari Singh
  • Mark Wagner
  • Mic Bowman
  • Nathan George
  • Silas Davis
  • Troy Ronda