2019 Q4 Hyperledger Transact
Hyperledger Transact - https://github.com/hyperledger/transact
Project Health
Health is good. A lot of continued interest in the project and development continues on new features. New users of Transact include the new libsawtooth library (in the sawtooth-core repo) and Splinter (https://github.com/Cargill/splinter).
No issues currently.
Since project creation, the project has had 6 releases. The current release is 0.1.5. The releases are available on crates.io:
Overall Activity in the Past Quarter
Continued incremental improvements to the initial code base. Additional activity shown below. The primary method of discussion continues to be held in RocketChat.
- Added an Intro method to convert receipt::StateChange to a state::StateChange. This was done to address the problem that a transaction receipt state change enum cannot be used as is when applying updates to state, a method was provided to convert between the two.
- Added a Redis-backed database implementation of Transact's Database trait. It is available behind an experimental feature flag, "redis-db". This is part of an initiative to explore more cloud-friendly storage formats.
- Discussion topics and some cross-project commits, at the recent Maintainer Summit (October 8-10th), evidenced that there was notably broad interest in projects designed for cross-use like Transact.
Current Plans
Next steps include:
- Define and implement simplified smart contract SDK for Sabre (cross-project w/Sawtooth, in-progress)
- Add Redis database support (in-progress)
- Add PostgreSQL database support
- Add network transport support for smart contract engines (with transaction processor compatibility)
Maintainer Diversity
The maintainer diversity currently matches that of the initial project sponsor companies.
Contributor Diversity
Similar to maintainer diversity, since active contributors are likely to become maintainers at this early stage.
Additional Information
Reviewed by
- Angelo de Caro
- Arnaud J LE HORS
- Christopher Ferris
- Dan Middleton
- Gari Singh
- Hart Montgomery
- Mark Wagner (Deactivated)
- Nathan George
- Swetha Repakula
- Tracy Kuhrt (Deactivated)
- Troy Ronda