Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent


Build an Indy agent running on raspberry pi that can interact with other agents and have easy access to GPIO pins. 


  • Raspbian Indy Agent repo that passes Indy Agent test suite allowing reads/writes of GPIO pins
  • Image of Raspbian-Indy-Agent for easy deployment onto Raspberry Pi
  • Documentation of Raspbian-Indy-Agent detailed enough for replication
  • Example code and demo using Raspbian indy agent
  • Hyperledger Aries RFC on how to interact with senseHat
  • Video on youtube presenting the project

Mentee Name and Contact Info


Rocketchat id: zzx02


  • Project kickoff, communication on the project, setting up communication channels ZIXUAN ZENG Adam Burdett  
  • Week 1  
    • Select and order hardware for the project. ZIXUAN ZENG
    • Install an operating system image(Raspbian OS) on Raspberry pi ZIXUAN ZENG
    • Onboarding with Indy project ZIXUAN ZENG
  • Week 2   
    • Made pi connected
      • Public accessible via ngrok
      • Public accessible via beame-insta-ssl
    • Be familiar with coding GPIO on Raspberry pi
      • Displaying text, single character, color, images
      • Temperature, pressure, humidity sensor
      • Movement detection
      • Joystick pressing detection
    • Built Indy reference agent on PC.
    • Post the project plan for Raspberry Pi Indy Agent Adam Burdett ZIXUAN ZENG
  • Week 3 (report)  
    • Indy agent software on raspberry pi selected 
    • Building indy-sdk on rasbberry pi
  • Week 4  
    • Indy sdk build on raspberry pi
    • Try to run demo with Monty headless on pi.
    • Running python agent on pi
    • systemd configuration start
  • Week 6 Half (report)   
    • Make Python agent run on pi and can interact with other agents
    • Demo of python agent running on raspberry pi interacting with other agents and ledger?
  • Week 7  
    • Aries RFC on the way interacting with senseHat, started discussion
    • Make Aries Cloud Agent run on pi
    • Making the raspberry pi image creation script
  • Week 8  
    • Coding new module for agent
    • Start documentation
  • Week 9  
    • Debugging new module 
    • Code review from the community
  • Week 10  
    • Documenting project
    • New module pull request
  • Week 11  
    • Documenting project
    • Deliver image for raspberry pi indy agent
    • Repo for the project
  • Week 12  
    • Video demo recording the project for presentation


DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Project kickoff, communication on the project, setting up communication channels ZIXUAN ZENG Adam Burdett  
02 Jun 2019ZIXUAN ZENGProject Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Week 1  
06 Jun 2019 Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Week 8  
25 Jul 2019 Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Week 9  
01 Aug 2019 Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Week 10  
08 Aug 2019 Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Week 11  
15 Aug 2019 Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Make Aries Cloud Agent run on pi
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Try to run demo with Monty headless on pi.
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Public accessible via ngrok
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Displaying text, single character, color, images
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Temperature, pressure, humidity sensor
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Movement detection
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Joystick pressing detection
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Be familiar with coding GPIO on Raspberry pi
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Built Indy reference agent on PC.
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Indy agent software on raspberry pi selected 
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Building indy-sdk on rasbberry pi
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Indy sdk build on raspberry pi
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • Running python agent on pi
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent
  • systemd configuration start
Project Plan: Raspberry Pi Indy Agent

Summary Report


Demo video:

(To upload)