Fabric nodejs SDK security extension
Fabric nodejs SDK security extension
This project aims to improve fabric sdk node security modules with following issues
- HSM has been supported and documented in Nodejs sdk , but not all OS platform and HSM providers are under test coverage.
- KeyStore model are suffering from an ugly model design that not recommended in ES6+ code convention.
- Offline client signing is supported in Nodejs SDK. New sample or even general common module of fabric client signing is needed in form of like fabric-android-keystore or fabric-web-keystore
Additional Information
- Client signing design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gj5XB7yS-pfjpvZEUQh5lBGSIE6aQemu8A69tAYQtTc
- Refactor keystore model issue: https://gerrit.hyperledger.org/r/#/c/24749/
Learning Objectives
- Establish connection with Nodejs SDK, fabric CI communities and contributors
- Cyber security algorithm hands-on experience
- Understand the basic workflow of fabric
- Being able to implement features for SDK
- Application level thinking in design common module and sample.
Expected Outcome
- update HSM integration test
- update HSM document
- project fabric-client-keystore
Relation to Hyperledger
Hyperledger Fabric
Education Level
Nodejs 8+
Hyperledger fabric End2End experience
Cyber security concept, especially ECDSA
Future plans
Community has been also looking for support from widely RSA support in fabric channel, CA and SDK.
Preferred Hours and Length of Internship
Part-time (20 hours a week for 24 weeks)
Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info
David Liu@Mediconcen, david-khala@hotmail.com, Rocketchat: davidkhala
Mentee Name and Contact Info
Hengming Zhang Hengming Zhang, Fudan University, fiveswind@gmail.com.
, multiple selections available,