Extending HL Fabric for connecting with HL Indy

Extending HL Fabric for connecting with HL Indy


Extending HL Fabric for connecting with HL Indy






Hyperledger project provides an umbrella for several open-source distributed ledger frameworks, designed for both specific and generic purposes. Hyperledger Fabric is a modular and extendable code-base for building distributed ledgers in diverse fields ranging from medical research to banking and supply chain. On the other hand, Hyperledger Indy is a purpose-built distributed ledger for decentralized identity.

At the moment Hyperledger Fabric incorporates its own Membership Service for assigning digital identities to individuals and devices as well as for defining their roles and privileges in the network.  In the context of this project we will design and develop a custom Membership Service Provider (MSP) in Fabric for managing digital identities using a decentralized identity management system (Indy). The custom MSP will be the interface between Fabric and Indy and will translate requests and responses coming from Indy to Fabric and vice-versa.

Additional Information

Hyperledger Fabric: https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric

Hyperledger Fabric Documentation: https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.4/

Hyperledger Indy: https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node

Hyperledger Indy sdk: https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk

Learning Objectives

-          Introduction to open-source culture and collaboration tools by contributing and collaborating in an open-source project

-          Understand both Fabric and Indy frameworks and meet the Hyperledger community

-          Learn to work with GitHub in an active project

-          Gain knowledge in distributed ledgers and blockchain

Expected Outcome

-          Study of the requirements (Report)

-          Development of the custom MSP (Software)

-          Integration and evaluation of the developed software (Software)

Relation to Hyperledger 

Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Indy

Education Level

Graduate student or undergraduate student.


Languages: Go, Python

Blockchain platforms: Hyperledger Fabric (basic), Hyperledger Indy (basic)

Some cryptography knowledge (PKI) will be desirable.

Future plans

The project will be part of a larger open-source project for managing digital identities in off-grid communication networks, leveraging Hyperledger and other decentralized technologies.

Preferred Hours and Length of Internship

Full-time (40 hours a week for 12 weeks during the summer) or Part-time (20 hours a week for 24 weeks starting in summer and ending in fall)

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Leandros Tassiulas, leandros.tassiulas@yale.edu

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