2023 06 06 Standards WG
2023 06 06 Standards WG
How does the UN SEEA framework compare to our ontology?
Discuss insetting vs ofsetting in terms of our ontology.
Continue with term/class definitions.
Submit a paper about our work to the Semantic Web Journal (www.semantic-web-journal.net).
Test our control class against https://www.api.org/-/media/Files/Policy/ESG/GHG/API_Climate_Reporting_Factsheet.pdf.
- Causality: How is causality expressed mathematically?
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- Tuesday, June 6th, 2023 at 08 AM Pacific (View calendar)
- Add CA2 SIG Standard WG calls to your calendar
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- From computer: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.backup?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09
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- Meeting ID: 403 498 3298
Meeting Notes
Links to UN SEEA docs and resources:
- https://seea.un.org/content/homepage
- https://seea.un.org/content/seea-central-framework
- https://seea.un.org/sites/seea.un.org/files/diagram_seea_cf_p13_0.pdf
- https://seea.un.org/content/water-accounts-and-water-accounting-technical-report
- https://seea.un.org/content/sustainable-development-goals
Repo for protobufs: https://github.com/aartum/CA2-SIG-StandardsWG
Owl ontology: http://purl.org/aiaontology
, multiple selections available,