2025 01 28 Standards WG

2025 01 28 Standards WG


  1. AIAO in Jeff’s supply chain digital twin.

  2. Next steps to AIAO publication and marketing.

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Meeting Notes

Topics for next meeting:

  1. Preparation for Hyperledger Labs: Lab Proposal Template

  2. AIAO course content.

  3. Follow up with Jeff Pribich on their Digital Twin for carbon / GHG emission Monitoring.

  4. Register the AIA context with jsonld.org so that it can be used in the "@context" field of JSON-LD schemas, e.g., "https://json-ld.org/contexts/aiao/activity.jsonld".

  5. Explore integration possibility with Silvi’s ontology for Treekipedia (Latest Developments | Silvi Docs ).

  6. IKI grant (Thematic Call 2024 ).

  7. A proposal to the insurance industry to help measure risk with AIAO (Insurers are deserting homeowners as climate shocks worsen ).

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