2022 01 18 Standards WG
2022 01 18 Standards WG
1. Toucan protocol (https://toucan.earth/).
2. Arrange with Gunther from CircularTree on how they aggregate emissions reported according to different standards.
3. Put Alfonso's diagram on our wiki and annotate.
4. Refine existing protobufs and create others for the remaining classes/entities.
5. Send Standards WG content to Bobbi for presentation.
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- Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 08 AM Pacific
- Add CA2 SIG Standard WG calls to your calendar
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- From computer: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.backup?pwd=dkJKdHRlc3dNZEdKR1JYdW40R2pDUT09
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- Meeting ID: 403 498 3298
Meeting Notes
- Homework for all: read through toucan.earth protocol
- CJP and AH to describe the pipeline for developing our protobufs and other formats with interaction with the implemented world.
- Check out validator.schema.org.
- Connect with GBBC, other standards bodies (suggested by Alfonso). Also connect with Martin W and Tom B again.
- Ask people in the implemented world to look at our code and fill in a questionnaire that evaluates the usefulness of our code base.
- Alfonso question: How do we get different actors in the implemented world to agree on a taxonomy? What tools already exist for developing a taxonomy/ontology/standard among a large number of different players? Alfonso to look into possible tools (starting with Slack and Discord).
- Global Standards Mapping Initiative (
https://gbbcouncil.org/news/gsmi-2-0-announcement/#:~:text=GBBC%20and%20Industry%20Partners%20Release%20Global%20Standards%20Mapping%20Initiative%202.0,-Nov%2016%2C%202021&text=GSMI%202.0%20maps%2C%20catalogues%2C%20and,of%20the%20industry's%20global%20activity). - CJP and AH to put something together for Alfonso to share with the Global Standards Mapping Initiative.
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