2022-10-24 Peer Programming Call

2022-10-24 Peer Programming Call


  • Bertrand WILLIAMSRIOUX showed a demo of UI for Oil & Gas Methane Emissions Reduction project:
    • There is a hierarchy of Companies with Assets, and then data points such as satellite upper/lower bound values, company reported data for different types of emissions (such as CH4 flared) over time
    • We can submit the data points for an audit by an auditor on the network
    • The auditor can then issue an audited emissions tokens based on the data points, plus a CarbonTracker token that could be passed down the supply chain.
    • Suggestion for related UI change (#637)
  • Aditya Joshi showed short demo of Bevel deployment for Besu

A short video showing how a user defined wallet can be used to sign transactions for the client.

A Wallet object pulled from postgres is delivered to signed in users with a privateKey attribute.

The private key is used to create a new "@ethersproject/wallet" if no w3provider is detected ...


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